By Catherine Viel, July 12, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 11, 2022
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
~William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

Today’s the birthday of an old and dear friend. She’ll be 94.
I have fallen out of communication with this friend, as I sent her a couple of red-pill type articles since the start of the Covid psyop and she responded with alarm for my mental state.
I mailed her a birthday card and email greeting, nonetheless. One must uphold the social niceties.
It feels as if things are falling apart, the center cannot hold. Just in the last week, both YouTube channels of my favorite truther, Janine Morigeau, were terminated by YouTube.
And this morning, a normally imperturbable friend texted that she had behaved like an (insert bad word) under extreme pressure, completely forgetting to look to her own behavior rather than finding fault in others.
Thinking about the world situation, I reminded her that sometimes the fault is indeed with others and it is outer circumstances that need to be changed, not we who must adapt to the intolerable.

I’m still marveling at my own unprecedented absentmindedness. I discarded a new, full bottle of extremely expensive supplements while inexplicably keeping the old empty bottle in the cupboard.
My center is not holding very well. And yet, when I look out at the flowers in the yard and the breeze ruffling the avocado leaves, all of that falls away. The center of earth is holding, nature abides.
Janine is already getting a new independent website up and running. Censorship-free and out of reach of Internet terminators.
I can order more supplements, although I cringe at having burned a wad of cash.
The playbook which dictates my birthday friend’s reality—the New York Times—has become a tiny bit more truthful about Biden. If not a red pill, perhaps she is receiving a pink pill via that outlet.

Today I’m going to plant more flowers and spend time communing with our beloved old avocado tree, remnant of the orchards that used to blanket suburban Goleta.
When Janine‘s new website is up, I will subscribe.
Fiddling while Rome burns? (1) Perhaps. But it may be the only sensible response to a world I cannot control and which is still frequently inimical to humanity.
The center, which is in me and not out there, can hold, if I remember what that center is and its immutable origin of Source.

(1) Rome is literally burning (https://tinyurl.com/58fsjkra).