(Golden Age of Gaia)
Freeing yourself from the “MOVIE”
For those still attached to victim stories and hurt feeling, do this.
Find the nearest mirror. Stand in front of it, put your hand on your upper chest (Heart) and take a couple of gentle deep breaths.
Open your eyes and with force and humour say out loud
“Are you kidding me? Who do you really think you are?”
Then say to yourself out loud, with a grin…..
“Whatever I AM in I can be in my highest knowing right Now. And I flat out refuse to go back there into the movie believing it as Truth, and I AM not.”
Then say “Thank you, job well done (your Name)”.
No matter what another has done or said or what you have been told or felt they have done, or how your reaction has been triggered, let it go.
No more reaction (pushing or pulling) equals no more attraction of it to you.
Watch the miracles, see it dissolve and when you can do this and feel the difference, the difference will manifest more in your reality. It can happen so quickly.
You are that powerful.
Shine On.
I So Love You
PS If you cannot do this then you are still attached to making judgements of your own powerlessness, HURTING YOURSELF, and it “serves you right”.
It serves you right because it is reminding you that you have not stepped back into your Power.
If you can, just drop all the mind and emotional explanations, justifications and judgements. Give it all up to the Soul Being You are.
The Universe, your spirit Soul family” can then dissolve the shadow behind it into the nothingness from which it comes.
Rewrite your life, here and Now, step by step with a grin and a knowing of the stupidity and ridiculousness of all the drama.
Grow up!………. and become as a child again.
Just the way you started this incarnation in the first place, before you became aware that you actually have a choice, and other people’s, out there, was just your way of gaining some experience to be able to make this Greatest Choice.
Freeing Yourself from the Movie | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/24/2022 12:53:00 AM