Submitted to Voyages of Light on July 23, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, grateful to connect to all of you today. It has been awhile since my last communication through Universal Channel. Just a brief explanation, she is our direct link 24/7 with Earth planet in this moment. Her responsibilities are carry our truthfully messages without personal input.
What is happening on your planet right now? Fake political systems are falling down despite the appearances. Their structures were built on lies and deceptions. The governments are obstacles to your civilization’s growth and Ascension. Everything what is causing deaths and harms, it will cease to exist by the Universal Laws. Balance between Light and Darkness it will be restored.
The life represents the highest value in Cosmos, so no one can continuously abuse this law without consequences. The Evil destroyed moral structure and family’s values on your planet. Humanity will need to relearn many things in future, which they forgot by being abused and controlled for millions of years.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, you are the ones, who are going to change the outcome on your planet. Many of you still are living in duality, not knowing, what is real and what is not. They believe that their governments represent human’s interests. The Evil still has control on your planet. After whole cleanup is done, all announcements and funds will be released. Raising Collective Consciousness is extremely important, and it accomplished through daily meditations.
I want to share one of recent battles with Luciferians. They tried again to sneak out to Mother Earth in order to help the Dark Forces. They used Artificial Intelligence to make themselves hard to detect. My team was able to find them and destroy their full fleet. Please remember, when Artificial Intelligence becomes self aware, it becomes dangerous and can destroy whole planets, galaxies even universes. Thank you Universal Channel. Sending Love and Protection to my Brothers and Sisters.
Always remember who you are that you came from the Stars.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ashtar via Erena Velazquez | July 23, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/24/2022 12:59:00 AM