Monday, June 20, 2022

Truth is Truth is Truth | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, June 19, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

June 18, 2022

Truth is truth / Till the end of reckoning. ~ William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

There doesn’t seem to be anything new I can say about the topics that have concerned me over the last couple of years.

Although I’m assured by various podcasters and writers that “things are happening“ and great progress has been made…I have to really scrabble around in my memory box to come up with nuggets of improved outward circumstances.


Oh, the irony. A friend (vaxxed) just returned from a dream cruise on the rivers of Europe. With a case of Covid that laid her low for weeks.

Another friend, a nurse with multiple vaccinations and boosters, just told me that she finally recovered from Covid. She hadn’t told me earlier because “you and I have different realities about that.“

I wanted to tell her, but did not, that there is only one set of valid facts about Covid. What’s different is our perceptions, which are based on the facts we choose to access and deem valid. To me, her “facts“ are comprised of spin and misinformation, and she regards my “facts“ in a similar light.

I would call her a fool for continuing to believe a government and a media machine that have lied consistently about too many things to count. But that would be unkind.


Both the cruise friend and the nurse friend are intelligent women who have the benefit of decades of life experience and a high educational level. But apparently they’ve fallen into the category of won’t or can’t believe truth (as many of us see it).

I’ve shed the concern that I’ve been carrying around for over two years, about vaccinated people and what may happen to them. It’s gradually flaked off like old lead paint until it’s all fallen away. I am left, burnished, without this toxic niggle of anxiety for people who made choices I consider to be stupid about their own health.

It’s melancholy, and it’s sad. It feels like a kind of death, to let go of others and the fallout from their possibly fatal choices.

The alternative is to worry about things I can’t change. Instead, in the spirit of the Serenity Prayer, I’ll accept the things I cannot change and seek courage to change the things I can.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. ~Reinhold Niebuhr, Serenity Prayer