Monday, June 6, 2022

The Heart is the Power of your Creation | Alcazar Quotes

The Heart Is the Power of Your Creation

Why doesn’t existence just send you loving things all the time? Because Beloveds, you are here to learn how to create. In other dimensional realities, creation is instant. If you had instant creation here, your thoughts would create instantly. So, you get into a fight and you think, “Oh, I could kill them.” They would instantly drop dead. You cannot be trusted with instant manifestation. Yet, it is important to learn how to create. There are many things here that you are learning. This is a major one. Why? Because if you can learn how to create, if you can radiate love, then love gets reflected back to you in many ways. If you can learn how to radiate in a loving, generous way, existence responds by bringing you abundance. So, the heart is the power of your creation.

- Alcazar

2017 Stargate Summer Gathering

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