Friday, June 3, 2022
Strangers Pass by me Constantly, there in the Heart Where I Dwell | Steve Beckow
By Steve Beckow, June 2, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Rumors are flying about exposures and arrests. As I watch them, I remember Michael’s advice: “Stand back and observe.”
I’m glad I choose the middle, emotionally and spiritually speaking. Everyone makes choices in self-presentation and I feel quite comfortable, nestled here in the center, as much as I can manage it.
Spiritually speaking, the middle is the center is the heart. And the heart is the portal to everything higher than this plane we’re on. It’s also the major source of love for us (though love is everywhere and everything).
I used to say that all good things are to be found in the middle, the center, the heart. Love, bliss, and ecstasy are to be found there. Clear thinking is to be found there. Innocence and purity are to be found there. I’m willing to bet that every divine quality is to be found there. My insides just rippled back an inner smile of agreement.
We operate at our maximum efficiency when stabilized in the middle. We lose ground the fastest when we swing out onto the extremes, as I was liable to do in my younger years.
As long as I remain in the center, I can feel my love and bliss. Swing out to the extremes and I lose touch with them.
After swinging out, I live on the fast-food fare of self-righteousness and self-importance. I make myself right in all circumstances and feel that what I did was a contribution when neither of these is likely to be true.
It does feed me but it’s not nourishing and adds weight.
I feel myself in a vigorous wash cycle which I see coming from the increasing love vibrations. Normal practice would be to attribute it to my own efforts at cleansing, but I sincerely doubt that that compares with the impact of the tsunami of love we’ve been immersed in since probably 2012.
I noticed the other day that my stance was very stable now, indicating a relative easing of issues.
I’m not sure if drawing love up from one’s heart works prior to a heart opening. I can’t remember what life was like before my heart opened on March 13, 2015. I can only speak from this perspective.
But it certainly does work after.
The obstacle is removed and love flows freely, as it will for all of us soon enough on this Ascension path. The Company of Heaven just gives the press a preview.
I’ve seen the Self in the deepest part of the heart, the seat of the soul.
Strangers pass by me constantly (the soul, Self, Christ, Atman) and do not see me, there in the heart where I dwell. (1)
All signs point to the middle, the center, the heart as being the place to journey into.
(1) Fools pass blindly by the place of my dwelling
Here in the human form, and of my majesty
They know nothing at all,
Who am their Lord, their soul.
(Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 81.)