Monday, June 6, 2022

Inno A Cristo | Poetry of Light

“Inno A Cristo”

Oh graceful Lord of the Light
Master of wisdom
Bringer of awe and hope
You whose spirit inspires every
act of forgiveness, kindness and Love
You whose presence dwells in every being
You who shares high vibrations with every heart
You who transforms darkness into Light
Blessed be

You are the ambassador of Source
You are the ambassador of Love
You are the art of spreading joy
You are the art of spreading truth
You have the power to heal any being in pain
With mercy, with compassion
With the heart to answer whosoever calls your name

Your path is enlightening and welcoming all
Offering no fall at all only ascending bliss
Every time you share another insight with me
I remember my inner divinity

Oh graceful Lord of the Light
Master of wisdom
Bringer of awe and hope
You whose spirit inspires every
act of forgiveness, kindness and Love
You whose presence dwells in every being
You who shares high vibrations with every heart
You who transforms darkness into Light
Blessed be

You are the ambassador of Source
You are the ambassador of Love
You are the art of spreading joy
You are the art of spreading truth
You have the power to heal any being in pain
With mercy, with compassion
With the heart to answer whosoever calls your name

Forever will I follow my heart
Forever will I be one with Love
Forever will I be You
You shall forever be me
Inno a Cristo, Inno a Cristo
Inno a Cristo, Inno a Cristo
Inno a Cristo

Poem and photo by Jasper Kesteloo, Poetry of Light