Who You Are - Part 3
There is another aspect of self that we call your Superconsciousness. So let us describe this. Because humanity has been in a low level of awareness or unconsciousness for so many lifetimes, you have not known about your Superconsciousness. Your Superconsciousness is a part of your awareness that can connect into the Quantum Field. The Quantum Field is outside of time and outside of any physical location. It is hard for the mind to grasp this. But your Superconsciousness allows you to start to tune in and know things. Perhaps you don't understand why you know them, but you know them. When you connect to your Superconsciousness, sometimes you will get a very strong feeling of what is about to happen before it happens. When you connect to your Superconsciousness, you can start to communicate with your innate intelligence. And so, your Superconsciousness is an aspect of self that it is really important to know.
- Alcazar
Growing Young
Rejuvenation of the Body on a Cellular Level
This webinar on youthing is available at the link.