Friday, May 13, 2022

Who you are (Part 2) | Alcazar Quotes

Who You Are - Part 2

When you come into the body, when your consciousness comes into the body, a part of this human consciousness remains in what we call the Quantum Field. We call this part your innate intelligence. This innate intelligence is what operates the body. Moment by moment, day by day, your innate intelligence oversees the reproduction of the cells and all of the chemical reactions that are happening in the trillions and trillions of cells that you have in your body. Your innate intelligence communicates to your DNA and your DNA communicates to the cells and to the organs. As you start to realize, “I am consciousness rather than the thoughts of the mind,” you will start to be able to communicate to this other aspect of self, your innate intelligence.

- Alcazar

Growing Young

Rejuvenation of the Body on a Cellular Level