Matthew and his mother/channel, Suzy Ward
By Steve Beckow, May 6, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I don’t think I’ve read as complete and detailed a discussion of the post-life review process – often called “the Judgment,” although there is no judgment involved – as Matthew Ward’s.
I’d compare the review to a lengthy debriefing, damage assessment, and design of the restoration process, all rolled into one.
The discussion is lengthy but covers all aspects of the process, which is the first step in mapping out the next incarnation.
Matthew Ward, Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven. A Firsthand Description of the Afterlife. Matthew Books, 2012, 191-4.
The Akashic Records contain complete, accurate, trustworthy accounts of all universe-wide happenings within eternity and All That Is. Lifeprints, which are as unique as your fingerprints and more impervious to alteration, form each soul’s records, and each lifeprint is a separate file in the Akashic Records.
A lifeprint is like a lifelong movie, omitting not a single aspect or instant. The information it contains, which automatically and indelibly is registered in energy form, is every thought, every action, and the consequences of every action throughout the lifetime of the person.
Every action is registered as the deed itself plus the intent and all feelings associated with it. Not only are the person’s feelings about every action and its results recorded, but the feelings of all the people whose lives were affected by those actions.
After the soul has recovered stability from the previous lifetime and is nourished spiritually and psychically, (1) it is completely aware of its cumulative soul. It is this cumulative soul, with its collective wisdom and knowledge and spiritual growth of all personage lifetimes, that reviews the lifeprint.
The reviewing process is felt exactly as those feelings were experienced not only by the person, but all the people who were affected by his every action. So you can see that it is quite an experience!
The cumulative soul’s judgment of its previous lifetime is the ONLY judgment of it. You have heard that only God is your judge and you have heard that even God does not judge. Either way, this refers to the lifeprint review.
Because we all are fragments of God and therefore inextricably connected, it is accurate to say that only God, in each personage, judges. And it is just as accurate to say that He doesn’t judge at all, because only the cumulative soul whose last personage lifetime is under review judges it.
In this intimate review the soul evaluates how well it learned the lessons presented during the previous lifetime. A lax assessment of which lessons were thoroughly learned and which were not may be addressed by the Council or other highly evolved beings whose recommendations are meant to assist that soul’s preparation for the next incarnation.
The lifeprint review also identifies lessons remaining, thus enabling the soul to choose those it wishes to experience in its next lifetime. This entails examining karmic connections and selecting a family to be born into for the genetic and beginning environmental influences.
There is another aspect of the lifeprint records that is relevant when the soul discusses the next life and lessons with advisers. Lifeprints are not cast in marble by the physical death of the individual. Their elastic form permits alteration of the record if another soul interfered with the soul’s chosen experiencing.
If that interference seriously diverted the soul from its chosen pathway, by divine grace the lifeprint may be altered to reflect that. The affected soul may incur “positive” karma or may pass altogether if remaining lessons do not include that unplanned experiencing. The soul who caused the diversion incurs “negative” karma, which is registered in his lifeprint.
Suzy: With so many entries, how can the lifeprint be safeguarded from either honest error or tampering?
Matthew: The lifeprint’s continuous and automatic updating throughout each lifetime of the soul is done only by that soul. Since the record is energy registrations entered simultaneously with the soul’s every thought, action and feeling, there simply is no room for error. If a soul even thought about manipulating entries to its favor, that unscrupulous thought would also be registered.
The energy of the lifeprint is compatible only with its soul’s energy, and therefore it can be changed only by an infusion of identical energy. If tampering were attempted, a signal would alert the record keepers and the would-be infiltrator would be recognized through his own unique energy coding. With this foolproof safeguard system, no soul would be so foolish as to try to alter another’s lifeprint.
Furthermore, lifeprints cannot be accessed easily for examination, and never merely out of curiosity, For the sanctity of each soul’s experiences, permission to enter frivolously is denied by means of that energy encoding.
As a transition assister, I have valid reason for entering the records of the souls whose lifetime information I need for maximum help to them.
The needs of each arrival I assist and my function carries reciprocal energy that constitutes his implied consent to my entering his record, and our energy meshing is my automatic access code to it.
Part of the intergalactic warring has been to gain dominance over the records, for either annihilation or to establish a new coding system that would allow the visitors to manipulate the records. Ashtar is the oversoul energy commanding the forces that operate and protect the records. I cannot imagine the mechanics involved in their responsibility for an awesome mass of energy in its countless forms, all the way from each soul’s records up to the coalescence of All That Is.
What is the Life Review Like? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/06/2022 11:16:00 PM