By Steve Beckow, May 31, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
It’s easy to believe that we have cause to be despondent if one were to follow the mainstream news.
If I dial out and look at the larger picture to get a sense of what’s happening, we’re reaching a crescendo in the war between darkness and Light in sync with the Company of Heaven raising the intensity of the tsunami of love that we’re bathing in.
We have the waves of love building up and the maelstrom of darkness reaching its crescendo, all at the same time.
I believe weather warfare is being used by the cabal to frighten the public – but also by the Alliance as a smokescreen to hide the flooding of DUMBs (underground bunkers). The pandemic has been a multipurpose tool for both the Alliance and the cabal. Much of the expected rioting will be used, it’s said, as a cover behind which the Alliance will make arrests.
Kevin Annett is broadcasting the evidence of William Combes, who witnessed the burning of many bodies of native children in Kamloops, Canada, and helped bury them. It doesn’t get more horrific than that. And that’s just the beginning of what we’re going to hear.
At the same time, and probably its cause, the waves of love bathing the planet are also rising, forcing everything dark up and preparing us for Ascension. In 2014 the Divine Mother informed us:
“My tsunami of love … is not even at its crescendo, at its highest peak as yet. … And there is no stopping the tsunami. Let me be clear about this. You have asked to ascend as one, and you will, but there is work to be done.” (1)
So the tsunami is doing the work of raising our vibrations in preparation for Ascension. The rise of evil and darkness to the surface is one result.
Another is the rise of deep issues, most or all of which has to go. I know more people who are dealing with really-fundamental issues in their lives that have been there since forever. I had one day when I was myself. It’s the energies, I think, that are doing it.
In 2017, she told us:
“I am reactivating the Tsunami of Love to wash away and complete what we have begun together – not to end anything, but it is a new chapter of existence! So think of it as the rinse-off, and I am rinsing you and immersing you and buoying you up with my love.” (2)
That must be what I’m feeling; the experience of love, such as I’m in at the moment, is stronger than the fears that are being played upon by the mainstream media or the appallingness of revelations that are starting to come out.
I try to hold the world’s events in one hand and the divine states in the other. I then go with the latter.
Everything assumes perspective and settles down when I do so. I’m fortunate to have the time and space to contemplate these matters when so many people in the world are under siege. I send them the vibrations of peace and love that arise from my heart.
I’ve read so many sources lately that say that our being in peace is a contribution to seeing it manifest in the outside world. I’d rather have my life be about that than about following external events blow-by-blow.
Unlike feelings, divine states don’t come and go with every whim. Yes, we can cut them off, but they themselves are much more durable than feelings.
And so I remain focused on them and not on the world’s cataclysmic release of evil and darkness.
At the same time, I deeply respect those whose service contract includes following them, as honest witnesses to the truth, as emergency responders, and on behalf of the rest of us. (3) And I read and watch as much as I feel I’m required to to fulfill my mission.
The peace I feel is agendaless. I don’t trade a kill-or-be-killed outlook for a new action agenda. Anything along that dark line of action dries up and disappears without me needing to put anything in its place.
And I seal the door for all time – with well-considered exceptions. No returning to warfare for me, except as a last resort in self-defense. (4)
Everything in human history to this moment surely proves, cumulatively and in each instance, that war does not resolve human problems, but, more ominously, sows the seeds for the next conflict by the festering residue it produces. Just think Treaty of Versailles, that “ended” World War I and sparked World War II.
Now is the time for the world to turn its back on warfare and on those who foment it on this planet, from gangs to governments, from mafia to media. Now is the time to insist on a return to world peace.
(1) “The Divine Mother: The Table is Set; You are Ready for the Dance, September 18, 2104,” through Linda Dillon,at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/20/the-divine-mother-the-table-is-set-you-are-ready-for-the-dance/.
(2) “Universal Mother Mary ~ Resurgence Of The Tsunami Of Love ,” Heavenly Blessings ~ May 2, 2017, at https://counciloflove.com/2017/05/universal-mother-mary-resurgence-of-the-tsunami-of-love/
(3) They will need rehabilitation later. One can only watch so many videos about torture, murder, etc., or serve on the frontlines as a first responder, without being affected. This includes military and justice-system personnel, medical and paramedical staff, etc.
(4) Then only as much as is needed to disarm the opposing force. All human-rights conventions and universal laws respected. I realize that any dark or evil regime will look for loopholes in any Light construction.
Time to Insist on a Return to World Peace | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/31/2022 11:21:00 PM