Thursday, May 12, 2022

This Dance | Heavenletters

This Dance | Heavenletters

MAY 11 2022

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

Some days life is a waltz. Some days it is a tango. Some days, another rhythm. When one beat ends, there is another.

Your life is an ensemble of rhythms, one after the other, all connected in a stream of music called life. You dance to the music that happens to be on, and you can also make requests. In all cases, you are the dancer, and you dance to the music you hear.

And all music has pauses in-between. Sometimes you sit down, rest your feet, and revive yourself. And then there are intermissions while you take refreshment.

But even during the interludes, you are in the ballroom, and the music and dance go on. Whether you are in the center of the floor or on the sidelines, you are part of the music, and you are part of the dance.

The world whirls, and you whirl. There is pausing but no stopping.

There is a myriad of dancing, and a myriad of dancers. There are new dances all the time, new steps, new arrangements, new dancers, old dancers, meeting again and again.

Would you choose to have only one rhythm, one type of dance, one type of dress, only one way to dance rather than many? Fortunately, there are many dances to choose from, and many to watch. Even when you watch, part of you is dancing.

And so the world spins, and you spin. You hardly have time to take a breath.

And what are you doing out on the dance floor but dancing? You are a dancer.

And so you live your life, in and out, to and fro, back and forth, up and down, this way and that, and all the time you are part of a Grand Dance, and you do not know if you are foreground or background.

Where does the music you dance to come from? What instruments play the music? Where is the orchestra? Who wields the baton? Where are the musicians? Where do they get their music? And what is the point of the music and the whirlwind of dancing?

Is it for the dance itself?

What does the dancing express?

Who is it for?

What is it for?

Why this dance and not another? Why this one now and not another?

And you wonder, and you dance.

You dance. Your feet touch the ground. Your feet leave the ground. Although earth is where you leap from, it is not your starting place.

The heighths you try to reach — they are from whence you have come.

And, of course, you dance for Me. You cannot do anything else. You must dance. Your feet cannot stay still for long.

And whom do you dance with? Whose arms are around you? Why, Mine, of course. Oh, yes, We are dance partners, so intimate We don’t know where you begin and where I end. Of course, there is no end to Us.

We will find Ourselves dancing off the dance floor. You will look, and you will see that your feet are no longer touching the ground. You have been dancing on high long before you knew.

We take a waltz around the universe. We pirouette across the stars. We spin them. We recline on the moon and We warm Our hands on the sun.

How connected We are! Our fingers touch. We do not lose Our grasp. We are held inextricably together in this dance of Ourselves.

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