Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Guides are there 24/7 | Prageet Quotes

The Guides Are There 24/7

There are many things that we do in our daily life that actually tend to shut us down. The biggest thing is judgment. We are programmed by our societies to judge each other to make ourselves right and the other person wrong. The energy of judgment is very negative, low frequency energy. So, when you're judging others, you're bringing your own energy down. As you bring your energy down, it's harder for you to receive the energies the guides are sending you. Understand that the energy from your guides is there 24 hours a day. How receptive you are to receive it is up to you. Judgments shut you down, and therefore you are less available to the energies from your guides.

- Prageet

Growing Young Webinar, 2017