Friday, May 6, 2022
Releasing a Belief System | Alcazar Quotes
Releasing a Belief System
If you believe you are unlovable and if you think this again and again and you grew up thinking, “Nobody loves me and I'll never be loved,” that belief creates a restricted energy around the heart center. It actually creates a shutting down of the energies there. If you allow yourself in this energetic to be totally relaxed and then a higher aspect of yourself says to you, "But no, that is wrong. You are totally lovable." There's part of you that says, "Yes, that is true." The energy that's been held, restricting your life force in the heart area, suddenly gets released because you've had the realization, "That is not true." When a belief system which has been held strongly is released, there is very often a rush of energy.
- Alcazar
Sounio, Greece, 2017