There in the heart do I live. Credit: Ute Possega-Rudel
By Steve Beckow, May 9, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’d like to look at various aspects of light work and lightworkers.
I feel the need to have various pieces (notions and documents) in place to turn the puzzle into a picture.
Today I’d suggest looking at a piece called “the longing for liberation.”
Shankara defined it thus:
“[The] longing for liberation is the will to be free from the fetters forged by ignorance — beginning with the ego-sense and so on, down to the physical body itself — through the realization of one’s true nature.” (2)
If we dig very, very deep, we’ll see that underneath all our drives is this yearning. If we wish to be free of the bondage it testifies to, we must realize our true nature as the One.
I can see underneath my patterns like the love of reaching higher and higher scores in competitive sports, seeking adventure, outdoing myself, etc. These are just the drive towards total freedom exerting itself.
I’m not talking about freedom from the laws of the land, freedom to do harm, etc. I’m talking about freedom of the Spirit.
We’re not seeking immortality. All living beings are always already immortal.
We’re not seeking power, money, sex, and so on.
We’re seeking freedom from all spiritual bonds. We’re seeking release into our full and natural condition of pure and innocent spiritual liberty. We’re not seeking it only for ourselves, but for everyone and everything in creation – that is, for the highest good of all.
That complete freedom ultimately comes only from dissolving the illusion of separation from the One.
A person experiencing, exhibiting and voting for complete freedom in our society would probably run afoul of the law, end up in an insane asylum, or something similar.
Certainly the mainstream media would crucify them. “Well, that just shows what X are like. They want to be free to do anything.”
No, not anything. But spiritually to attain to perfect freedom? Unimpeded? Even acknowledged and supported? Definitely.
I’m not fooled by this longing. I don’t try to fill it with a bike ride or a dinner out. No, it’s a longing for the complete freedom that only comes only when we’re reunited with … well, it’s kinda like doing a back flip and ending up in the same place … reunited with what turns out to be Ourself.
In around 1989 at a campsite at Porteau Cove, B.C., I was meditating to get away from noise outside. I noticed the quiet center that existed in the center and, when I investigated it, I actually did a backflip in consciousness. To my amazement, I ended up in the Self. I imagine the final merger to feel or happen something like that.
Again, when something merged with me on June 6/7, 2021, fortunately I remained “me.” But I also became a higher-producing me. I have more drive now, as you can see from all the publications flying. (3) But this final merge….
Now I know the Mother has said we come Home and then re-emerge. (4) But we still go through a merge.
I can’t fight the longing. If I did, I’d direct it … sublimate it … hopefully into something constructive, get myself in trouble having love affairs, and end life totally unsatisfied, saying to myself, “what the heck was that all about?”
Because I write for you, I don’t need to mask myself at the office and pretend. I can say, out loud, I actually do long for liberation – complete liberation, not just of body and mind, but of the soul as well.
I can only contemplate such a goal because you support it. Thank you. I couldn’t do this without you.
Having this outlet means I can breathe deeply and feel in complete integrity knowing that what I want is understood and accepted by some people on this planet. Even if it probably wouldn’t be by the vast majority.
How wanting complete freedom filters down into everyday life, I cannot say and I cannot worry about it. There are a million ways to tie a person down to the matrix, but only one way to freedom – total commitment. Any pinprick hole in the tire and the air escapes.
And to answer the gentleman who asked me how I could support restraint and freedom of speech at the same time, your freedom of speech stops exactly at the point where it harms me. I have a human right to be free of the harm of your speech. You do not have a human right to harm me. (5)
I sat for eight years interpreting a human-rights statute (the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada). Where human rights were contested, there was always a perpetrator and the claimant before me sought my country’s protection.
Human rights require protecting. Having our heads in the sand on this subject has brought us to our present global impasse.
My longing for liberation will be fulfilled naturally, when we ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Granted it gets better and better, that amount of freedom will make more than a world of difference with me and tamp the fires of desire for a long while.
The longing won’t be helped by purchasing jet aircraft or a chateau in the south of France. It won’t be helped by all the things we associate with security, pleasure, adventure, etc. If I’ve learned anything by now, it’s that nothing material will fill the void.
But until Ascension satisfies the growing desire in me, at least I have the benefit – denied to most others – of it being a part of my job to tell you how my heart aches for total freedom.
(1) Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 36.
(2) Shankara, loc. cit.
“All things long for [God]. The intelligent and rational long for it by way of the stirrings of being alive and in whatever fashion befits their condition.” (Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 54.)
Students of Linda Dillon’s work may hear this as a longing for the 13th Octave.
(3) But I have to be doing what I love – which is researching and writing. Ask me to meet people or answer email and it’s like pedaling uphill.
(4) Divine Mother: [The emanations] are positioned to do the work that the specific archangel or master has chosen to do, decided to do, committed to do — for me — throughout eternity, or until such time as they return [Home]. In which case they will begin again, regardless. (“The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” June 17, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-divine-mother-each-and-every-one-of-you-carries-divine-might/) [My emphasis.]
Divine Mother: As this transition is completed, including the shift in your structures, then you will continue on [to Reunion with Mother/Father One].
This is the beginning, not the end. Each of you is infinite and eternal. Will the day come in terms of what you think of as time, when you will simply re-emerge? Yes. (“The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan” from 2012, reposted Nov. 11, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/11/11/the-divine-mother-on-the-divine-plan/.)
“In the scheme of things you periodically return to the Godhead, only to be sent out again for further experience.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Feb. 14, 2020.)
Archangel Michael: When you go home, and you can reunite in the heart of One, do not think that you go off on another tangent or another journey simply because you feel like it or because you are earning your way back [on] that linear path. You go back out into the universe as a brilliant spark of pure light!
So you come, you return, you gain not only understanding, wisdom, knowledge – what you can think of as spiritual regeneration – and then, in concert with many, including your guides and guardian angels and, many times, whoever you are going to be working with – for example, myself or Archangel Raphael – you emerge again. (Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/03/archangels-michael-and-gabriel-on-the-angelic-realm-hour-with-an-angel-transcript-march-26-2012/ .)
(5) Human rights are inalienable as long as they don’t result in discrimination, persecution, and other examples of harmful conduct towards others. If they do, then they, as actions, are violations of human rights. The law calls for protection from human-rights violations. That’s something that’s been missing from our justice systems for some time now.