Sunday, May 8, 2022

Lady of the Light: “Everyone was an Angel!” | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 7, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I asked “Lady of the Light” to send us her experience of everyone being angels.

Approximately 20 years ago I was in a very high state of Joy one morning.

I want to add here for the reader’s benefit, this state of Joy or Euphoria I was in was actually brought on by a very deeply moving, intimate, spiritual sexual encounter I experienced with my husband that morning.

We decided to share our Joy by taking our two sons to the local Aquatic center for a playful swim.

I recall hearing sounds of laughing children and feeling my Joy increase as we emerged from the change rooms and entered the pool area.

As my Joy level increased the sounds became more harmonious and the colors became brighter. Then right before my eyes all the people of all ages and sizes suddenly transformed into angels.

Everyone had sprouted a set of angel wings!

I remember thinking how beautiful everyone was. It was like I was seeing that ordinary people were actually all angels. Everyone was an angel!

There was an elderly woman sitting on a bench beside me stitching a petty point watching some children play.

I turned to her in my amazement and I said something like, “Everyone has wings. We are all Angels.”

This sweet lady smiled at me and nodded in agreement like she was in on it too. I honestly felt she was not from this planet. Like she was watching me and was there to confirm what I was experiencing.

This or she was just very polite while thinking I was very delusional. But in any case who but an angel would sit doing petty point in an aquatic center while watching children play?

From that wonderful auspicious day forward I have been convinced we are all Angels having a human experience on a beautiful playground planet created for this!

Much Love from,

Lady of the Light!