Credit: linwilder.com
By Steve Beckow, May 5, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
How could there be greater uncertainty than there is right now? And yet it looks like there will be.
The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop seem destined to bring down his father. The Ukrainian war has taken the attention off the phoney pandemic and toxic vaccine, as it was probably intended to do.
Earthquakes all over are likely the sound of deep-state bunkers being taken down. The war goes on and people are being killed.
Here am I, discussing being pro-active while we’re all in a sea of warfare and uncertainty.
To operate effectively in such mayhem, I have to let go of my need for external certainty. External certainty won’t be there for a while.
And then I have to define an area for myself, a field of awareness, under my control, wherein there is – and always will be – internal certainty.
Certainty as to what I’m about. Certainty as to what I’m cultivating. Certainty as to the route I’ll take.
I know I’m about love, truth, and peace. (1) For me, love is the way; truth is the destination; and peace is the result.
I know what each of these divine states or qualities feels like and what I can achieve when I come from them. I don’t need to be “sold” any more on them. I’m a convert by now.
I’m certain that the truth will set me free. I’ve tested it again and again. Upsets disappear when I see the truth of them. A corporate problem may also disappear when we know the truth of it. Spiritual experiences occur when we realize the truth of something (plus bliss).
In the end, that event for which all of this was made – knowing the full truth of our true identity – is also a matter of Truth and will set us altogether Free. Truth is where we want to get to and love is the way there. (2)
By the law of attraction, we draw to us what we desire. “I am all a man may desire without violating the laws of his nature.” (Paraphrase, Krishna.) If we desire God, we draw God towards us. That’s what makes bhakti or devotion so effective (even if I don’t follow it myself).
Meanwhile, I’m certain that love – higher-dimensional, transformative love – eradicates all problems. First because problems disappear as the level of consciousness that created them vanishes. It’s all of a piece and vanishes together.
Seconds, because problems disappear in the face of this all-transforming love itself, a love found only on the higher dimensions (coming soon to a theater near you).
For me, the divine state of peace lends a character stability and strength. I keep experimenting with it and love the solid and stable way I feel; I am relieved at the absence of issues, the sense of being prepared for anything because I’m attached to nothing. (It isn’t that I don’t have possessions; it’s that I’m not attached to them.)
This tripod of sacred qualities (love, truth, and peace) is enough of a platform, enough of a foundation for me to plant myself on when external things are as chaotic as they are and promise to get worse.
I’ll never be able to keep up with the flood of info, disinfo, and misinfo issuing from all quarters. What happens when we reach the point where we just let go?
No, not from everything. What I’ll be doing is just letting go into love, truth, and peace.
(1) For more on the purpose of life, download The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/The-Purpose-of-Life-R4.pdf
Or a shorter treatment, “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(2) Therapist Virginia Satir advised colleagues to have at least three therapeutic approaches to any situation. If they had only one, they’d be stuck if their approach proved unproductive. If they had two, the mind would make one right and the other wrong so they’d still have only one. If they had three, the mind would give up.
Here are my three:
When I feel bereft of love, peaceful observance of the truth will unblock me.
When the truth gets too hard to bear, I surrender into peace and breathe love up and into myself.
When I fall out of peace, truth or love will restore me.
This seems like a stable combination.
Just Let Go into Love, Truth, and Peace | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/05/2022 10:53:00 AM