Thursday, May 12, 2022

Experiencing Many Divine States at Once | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 11, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Everything I’ve ever said about the divine energy of love, I’d like to copy and paste here about the divine state of peace.

It’s as high above our everyday sense of peace as the divine energy of love is our everyday sense of love.

Entering into it doesn’t come with trumpets blaring or searchlights sweeping the night sky. I first know it has come because my stance is suddenly solid, as if I have magick glue on my soles.

It’s magick because when I lift my foot up it gives way and, when I take my next step, it asserts itself again.

I feel stable. When I looked more into that, I saw it was because I have increasing certainty about who I am and the other pressing questions in my life. I know the purpose of life. I know who I am as an entity and have had glimpses of many different vibrational levels.

But the chief source of increasing certainty about myself, trust in myself, relaxation with who I am comes from what Michael mentioned in 2020. In an aside, he said:

“Human beings, particularly those in the higher vibrations, [are] learning to hold all the divine qualities and to be operating from all the divine qualities at once.” (1)

I had always held the belief that it was enough for a human to master one divine quality to be enlightened. The possibility of manifesting all of them at once had never occurred to me. But the thought always rattled around in the background of memory since Archangel Michael spoke.

Now, I asked myself how the other divine states looked from within the state of peace. What had peace to tell me about the other qualities I’ve known?

I began to experience them, one by one – love, bliss, ecstasy, innocence, purity, abundance, and mastery. (2)

Each has a unique feel to it and leads in its own direction. When I began to add the experience of one to the other – which I thought of as connecting the dots – I found that the result was (A) a synthesis, a melding together of the states themselves, (B) increasing confidence in myself, and (C) increasing relaxation all around. This felt like a gigantic “let go.”

Remember Michael saying we’d “awaken” our angelic capability “when you choose to acknowledge it”? (3) Here too it’s taken me joining all the divine states together and experiencing each of their unique qualities – which I offer as “acknowledging them” – before a much wider sense of myself emerged.

This wider sense was patient, relaxed, and detached.

Just saying those words is like declaring the end of a long, long journey for me because I was anything but these things when I was young.

I notice all my old familiar patterns – even ruts – continue to exist. It’ll take vigilance and self-control for me to resist their siren calls, wanting to be invoked as familiar responses. I’ll need to keep voting for the divine states instead, without fail, if I want to remain in the vibration they resonate with.

It took experiencing these divine states all at once, which we’ll all be doing in the months and years ahead, before this new space of self-confidence opened up.

This is so remarkable for me because, as I look back, I see that my self-confidence was what was damaged most in my early upbringing. So this is what it feels like….


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 4, 2019.

(2) I don’t include exaltation because it was too brief. But I do retain a memory of the experience of it.

(3) The entire discussion follows:

Archangel Michael: So right now, the full presence, let us put it that way, the full presence of your angelic form both recent and original is anchored fully present within and around your human form.

Steve: What does that mean, “is anchored,” Lord?

AAM: It means that the awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages.

Steve: OK. Is there anything we should be doing to take advantage of this situation in the service of the Mother’s Plan?

AAM: Yes. To become familiarized and, listen to what I say, yes, there is a great deal that could be done in terms of assisting the conclusion/next chapter/opening of the Mother’s Plan by familiarizing oneself with their angelic self, with merging and acknowledging that there is no separation between your angelic self and your human self.

Now, what I say – and I need to emphasize this – I’ve used the word “familiarize,” not “be mesmerized by.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.)