Friday, May 13, 2022
Details of Lunar Eclipse of May 2022 | Dr. Schavi M. Ali
(Golden Age of Gaia)
By Dr. Schavi M. Ali, May 10, 2022,
All eclipses—Lunar or Solar—begin to announce their energies about a month prior to an actual eclipse and tend to play-out for six or seven months. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon moves into Earth’s shadow. With a Solar Eclipse, the Moon also passes between the Earth and the Sun, but the shadow is cast over the Sun.
The May 15th (or 16th based upon time zones) LUNAR ECLIPSE in Tropical Scorpio began its “announcements” on about April 15th. When the actual eclipse occurs, it will last for approximately 19 minutes. It will be seen over North America, South America, Southwestern Europe, and parts of the Indian Ocean.
Whenever a Lunar or Solar Eclipse happens, wherever it tends to be visible is where various important events usually take place in the political arena, in social structures, in corporate projects, in philosophies of life, in the medical establishment, in the entertainment industry and more.
With the Moon governing emotions, and with a Lunar Eclipse making emotions more heightened than usual, and with this particular Lunar Eclipse being a “Total” (rather than “Partial”) eclipse, much of humanity across the globe will likely have intense feelings about events as they occur on the world stage.
Mainstream news will strongly focus upon the world’s various events in the areas mentioned which will only serve to instill anxiety and fear into the world populace if people do not stay anchored to SOURCE LIGHT for PEACE and HIGHER AWARENESS.
The performance of spiritual rituals keeps the nervous system calm.
Even though it is wise to know what is happening in the world, it is best not to continually watch mainstream news for lots of hours.
The first few minutes of it is when the “flavor” of the day is offered to viewers.
Then the horrors and the coming further horrors are forced upon viewers while pictures of the terrible events are shown, and interviews with journalists stationed in various nations occur.
By the time that one or two hours of news is watched and then more hours of it watched on other stations, a person’s emotions, mind, and physical vessel can be tremendously disturbed.
With enough of this day after day, the “television” becomes the “master”, and people follow whatever the “master” says to do.
Television has become quite a technological control mechanism.
It will be important not to allow anything outside of the HIGHER SELF to be in “control.”
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of April 30th offered opportunities for self-reflection, new starts, and decisions about what needs to be released and what needs to remain focused upon so that acclimating to SOURCE FREQUENCY (which will be so vital during the Lunar Eclipse) is easier.
With the Mercury Retrograde beginning on Tuesday, May 10th calculated to be at 7:47 AM (Eastern Daylight Time), further opportunities to relax, self-reflect, and to place important activities “on hold” will exist.
May is certainly a month in which to breathe deeply and consult the HIGHER SELF about any major project—personal or collective.
People who are unaware of cosmic forces will often push and insist on certain activities to be done.
In such cases, the following should suffice in keeping those persons from endeavoring to move ahead without regard for the messages of the “Cosmic Holy Book:”“I already have enough on my plate. I cannot add another activity at this time. I may talk to you about it in a few weeks.”
“I am not available for a while to attend any meetings or other events. I am working on a major spiritual project.”
“This is the not the time for any major activity such as what you are speaking about because of certain cosmic forces occurring at this time.” (Only use this sentence with people who respect the cosmic energies but who may not have sufficient knowledge about them. When you use this sentence, they may be open to hearing more detail from you.)
We must remember that some “religions” speak against cosmic forces when their own holy books openly teach about them as being vital spiritual principles.
I will reiterate here a verse from biblical scripture that makes this point which I have discussed previously: “The heavens declare the glory of God. Day unto day they pour forth speech, and night unto night they display knowledge…” (from Psalm 19, HOLY BIBLE).
Also, on another note, for those who denigrate the healing and protective powers of gemstones, they are ignoring the biblical chapter which speaks of the gems in the breastplates of the High Priests. Details Of Lunar Eclipse Of May 2022 – Total Lunar Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse Details Of Lunar Eclipse Of May 2022.
However, as LIGHT comes more intensely and dramatically into our solar system and onto our planet from the Great Central Sun, there will be an astounding realization of many things that have been negated and denied.
There will be those who will still try to turn from the TRUTH, and there will be those who will embrace it.
No one can be forced to receive SACRED LIGHT. It can only be offered.
Leave people alone who refuse to study and to consider the workings of SOURCE.
You will be busy enough continuing to develop knowledge for yourself.
Just pray for the planet and for others.
Let your prayers be the spiritual atomic frequencies (the angelic energetics) which carry your sincere desires into the realm of the INFINITE.
Think of another biblical verse which will comfort you during the times ahead.
It is a very profound message for us which states: Be still, and know that I am God.”
Thus, during the Mercury Retrograde, the Lunar Eclipse, and the coming powerful solar flares, winds, coronal mass ejections, magnetosphere particle density, and more, be focused upon direction from your HIGHER SELF which is your SOUL which is SOURCE.
“God is closer than your jugular vein” (HOLY QU’RAN). “Everyone must have a personal relationship with the DIVINE” (BHAGAVAD GITA).
Now, breathe, and be at peace.