Saturday, May 14, 2022

A Day and Weekend of Powerful Frequencies! | Dr. Schavi M. Ali

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, May 13, 2022,

On Wednesday, May 11th, 2022, there were two “M-Class” solar flares in the early afternoon (Eastern Daylight Time), and there is a beta gamma delta energy for strong “X-Class” flares within hours or days.

Whenever a solar flare explodes from our Sun, scientific research has discovered that it takes approximately eight minutes for it to arrive to our planet, which indicates that it is bringing with it plasma particles, since our Sun is highly charged with plasma particles ~ also called coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

When the flares are intense, such as in high “C-Class,” “M-Class,” or “X-Class” ranges, the plasma is tremendously potent and pulsating with LIGHT.

On Thursday, May 12th, the magnetosphere (the magnetic field directly surrounding our planet) was being activated by intermingling slow, medium, and fast-paced solar winds, and pressure from the particle plasma was steadily pushing into the field.

These constantly pulsating solar events all around Earth/Gaia are “Energy Fluxes.”

All of this is expected to continue to elevate on Friday and throughout the weekend as we move into the “Total Lunar Eclipse” on Sunday, the 15th or 16th, based upon time zones.

“Light Activation Symptoms” (LAS), also called “Ascension Symptoms,” are being reported around the globe at heightened levels.

Empaths feel symptoms based upon their own blueprints as well as those of the collective consciousness, which is dealing currently with Russia/Ukraine war news, pandemic information, and the “Roe versus Wade” controversy.

Everyone tends to be somewhat empathic as their DNA re-sets and transforms.

Many, however, are not so much empathic as they are highly intuitive, from being constantly connected to messages from the HIGHER SELF, which allows them to be compassionate towards the challenges of others without also experiencing the challenges so powerfully physically, mentally, or emotionally as Empaths do so keenly.

Everyone, Empath or not, is affected by the cosmic currents of energy occurring daily.

So, no one is “immune” to the cosmic forces ~ even if they do not have the knowledge necessary to fully comprehend them or teach about them to others.

However, those who do, indeed, understand, have more spiritual tools to work with, because they are more apt to willingly connect to SOURCE LIGHT FREQUENCY rather than to scratch their heads in confusion and wonder what is going on.

One of the major “symptoms” being reported is the feeling of intense heat coupled with some sweating.

This occurs when molecules are spinning faster as they throw-off excess energy from old cellular programming.

This sensation may be accompanied by feelings of anxiety, and the inability to sleep well when it occurs at night.

What must also be understood is that even when scientific organizations and institutions are not reporting the seemingly intensified frequencies in the cosmos and the activations that they cause to creation, this is because their primary mission is to report the basic happenings in space ~ not the results of the happenings ~ except when some of them mention how the events are disrupting technological devices such as those dealing with communications capability.

It is not their job to teach about the spiritual components of cosmic events.

Here is where tuning-in to the HIGHER SELF/SOUL/SOURCE ~ as is always indicated ~ is vital.

In this way, the entire picture can be understood as spirituality is brought into science.

The human being who elevates in consciousness becomes a laboratory of “Spiritual Science” and a “book” of HIGHER MIND KNOWLEDGE.

Greater intensification of cosmic forces will develop on Thursday, and carry further forward.

Be sure to “ground” in the many ways which have been suggested in previous written discourses.

Here is an added suggestion: To avoid being stirred-up in the nervous system, wear cooling colors today and throughout the weekend.

These include the blue, violet, and green color families as well as the color pink or light peach.

Do not wear the hot colors from the red, orange, or bright yellow hues.

These can increase blood pressure levels, and as mentioned, they can stir-up the nervous system.

Do not be concerned about the AMBER stone which is of various natural reddish, yellow, or orange colorings.

Its succinic acid (?) is calming, stress-reducing, and pain-removing. Other calming and cooling gemstones, just to name a few, are: BLUE LACE AGATE, LAPIS LAZULI, LARIMAR, and MOONSTONE.

A cooling mantra to recite is: “AUM PREEM DHAM DHANVANTRE DHAM PREEM AUM” (“Oh, Divine, Please lower and quiet the heat”).

This mantra is also excellent for lowering elevated blood pressure. Besides human elevated temperatures and blood pressures, many places around our planet are experiencing unusual intense heat for the season.

In the Mid-Western USA, for instance, there are reports of weather temperatures in the mid to upper 80s when in the spring of the year in May “normal” is most often in the upper 60s and mid- to upper 70s.

Temperatures in the mid to upper 80s or 90s are usually in July and August.

In some places, however, it is cooler than usual.

All of this is due to our planet being activated by the “Energy Fluxes” discussed above.

All is well.

All is SOURCE.

All is LIGHT!

Stay in the LIGHT!