What are We Waiting for? The Easter Bunny Came and Went | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, April 30, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Up till now, I’ve been mainly reactive in my attitude towards awakening. If and when people awaken, I will have this to say to them, in answer to their questions.

But I see now that there’s a pro-active component and I’d like to call that component “consciousness-raising.”

No, not messianic fervor. Not zealotery or missionary outreach. None of that.

But a more pro-active role in saying “no” to what can only be described as evil. In my view, child sacrifices, organ and adrenochrome harvesting, sex trafficking, weather warfare, fake pandemics, and toxic vaccines are all evil. (1)

In my opinion, we lightworkers need to play an active role in raising the consciousness of global society. In the unseen world that has the effect of raising the vibration of the streaming cloud known as the collective consciousness.

But here, on this side of the curtain, it aims to raise the everyday consciousness level of people around the world.

We need to say what’s not OK and what needs to stop. And we need both to say and to model what we want to see instead in our world – peace, love, and truth for me.

Why are there not billboards saying “Child-Trafficking is a Major Problem and is not OK”? Or ‘The Use of Weather-Control Weapons on the General Public Must Stop”?

Like the Tanzanians, who stopped following Covid procedures en masse, why are we following a scenario which is so ill-founded, deadly, authoritarian, and corrupt? Let’s stop following it en masse. Remember who is here.

We need more local public lectures, more documentary film festivals, more appearances on local TV, more articles in centrist/progressive blogs and journals, etc., etc., etc., on everything that’s happening today – not fake news, but the real story.

We need to take back the agenda and set the pace. We need to focus attention. We need to start educating the public on what’s really happening right now.

Every action taken has the additional effect of granting permission to unseen forces to get (more) involved. They cannot and will not violate our free will. They must be invited. They are right now preventing any nuclear weapons from being used. They’ve also forbidden world war on Earth in deference to Gaia’s wishes. We’re already being helped massively by them.

What are we waiting for? The Easter Bunny came and went. It’s time for us to pro-act.


(1) They are wilful acts of harm or murder perpetrated by an individual for their pleasure or other satisfaction.
What are We Waiting for? The Easter Bunny Came and Went | Steve Beckow What are We Waiting for? The Easter Bunny Came and Went | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 4/30/2022 10:47:00 PM Rating: 5

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