By Steve Beckow, April 7, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
When I remember the experience of the power surge that I had in 2013, (1) and reflect on it, I see that what we regard as moods or attitudes are, in point of fact, when seen from a higher vantage point, walls or barriers that channel our behavior.
I wouldn’t have seen this unless my vasanas had been magnified. Exaggerated in that way, everything usually unnoticed became clear.
What was before simply a disapproving look became a grimace of hatred, with a menacing roar thrown in. It was demonic. I’m still shocked to this day by what I saw then.
I could see how the basis of my action was to control others, to have them quickly do what it was I wanted them to do – chop, chop!
I also see that, if I’m serious about cleansing, I even need to experience through and let go of my very moods and attitudes. I’d never have reached such a conclusion without this experience. The situation would have been invisible to me.
I see no end in sight to the process of purification – all the way back to the One Pure Being.
But to be open to purification and yet not see what needs to be purified, to need a powerful experience to jackhammer me awake to the next level of cleansing has been humbling. So much for how far down the road I see. So much for intellectual manipulations like the self-serving bias. This experience went way deeper than that, way below.
My very moods and leanings, preferences and likes are shaping my future actions in ways that go on below awareness, without scrutiny or questioning. I’m programming myself, on top of everyone else who wants to program me.
All of this has me taken aback and humbled me. It’s shown me that there’s so much further to go.
(1) See “More Power Than is Manageable – Part 1/2,” April 5, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=334413 and “More Power Than is Manageable – Part 2/2,” April 6, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=334420
Vasanas are Magnified | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/07/2022 11:08:00 PM