Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rough Cut or Geode | Digger Barr

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I find it to be a basic truth that the deeper you dig the more you will find.

One doesn’t know what one will find unless one looks for that which is buried.

There may be clues as to what may be there just out of sight but unless you actively uncover it you have not truly found it.

And so we dive deeper into exploration to find all those crystals and gems.

And of course the boulders of burden.

What about the hidden rocks we carry around not realizing the weight they bring to our psyche? We can sift, skreet and filter but they will not truly be exposed unless we find them and reveal them for what they are.

Gem or burden?

Sometimes if the time is right or when we experience a personal shift, they can come to the surface voluntarily.

I often wonder how rocks seem to just appear on Gaia.

Erosion and the passage of time. of course.

But I have come to realize that the ground is not solid but has sustained movement that is imperceptible to our human time frame.

That’s a theory of mine. I have no science behind it, But it makes sense to me.

I thought about applying that concept to myself.

I have meditated, cleared, saged, chanted and ‘OM’ed my way into the current vibration of now.

I have dug deep, pulled up some lovely gems and plenty of unwanted relics.

After years and years of digging and screening through my rubble I think I am on the verge of understanding the depth of who we are.

It is deep. There are many layers. I am not sure if we will ever know everything that makes us who we are.

If I were to mine the elements that came to create me, I believe it could go on for infinity.

It leads into generational family claims and then branches off into Galactic relationships and perhaps back to source. None of which I am going into today.

For this writing I am interested in the Earth occupation of my current incarnation.

It would seem that my shifting through the current ascension program has surfaced some relics I did not realize were there.

I observed them and shook my head.

My question to the Universe was offered. ‘Really ?’ I asked

I am going to interrupt myself right now as I had another thought. Could one tumble those surfaced rocks and create a polished stone?

I will leave that thought here for the reader.

Back to my new found ‘issues’.

I observe and then pick up one of these new stones. Old stone really. What is a new stone?

I pick it up and turn it over. I roll it around and look at it closely.

Where did you come from and why are you here now?

What created this and what is your purpose?

Do you just want attention or are you here for transformation?

Now that you’re here, are you ready to be let go?

If nothing else the passage of time has brought me empirical knowledge on how to be me.

When faced with a new exploration no matter how old it may be, I can now approach it with curiosity.

Of course there are probably emotions attached.

Nothing is simple and emotions are not always easy.

Those are the minerals that create gem stones.

That’s when I realized I am the stone that is being polished.

All of this introspective mining with prospecting claims of glory may be true.

Crystals were not formed in an instant. They are created over time by the drip drip of many elements and often with heavy compression.

Perhaps I have been weighed down by hidden issues for a good reason. Maybe I am not done yet and there are more crystals inside me yet to be discovered.

This vain vein revelation alchemised the boulder of burden into a gem of understanding.

Operation Transformation and Transmutation success.

I am not done yet. Will I ever be?

This is “How to create a diamond” by divine design.
