Sunday, April 10, 2022
In Kruger National Park, Africa | Judith Kusel
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel
I have been called to travel north to do immense energy work spanning multi dimensions. I have and will have only sporadic wifi and internet access for the next few weeks.
I was called upon this morning to do intense clearing of the trauma of this land: The trauma of the animals who were hunted and mowed down, because of ivory, trophy hunters, often elephants piled upon each other, lions shot for mens egos, etc. Often land bartered for a single Eland, which was sacred to the Bushmen, who saw how their sacred animals were shot in droves, with no respect for their souls, nor Mother nature.
Then the clearing of ancient tribal feuds, from the time when the Nguni tribes started settling here, as they came from West Africa. This was so eloquently shared yesterday, by one of the loyals, old feuds between brothers, like Cain and Abel, repeated throughout mankind.
Then the gold hunters, spurred on by the legends of King Solomons Mines and the Queen of Sheba, for these ancient gold mines, stem from 250 000 years ago, the time of the Annunaki, and older. Thus vast holes in the ground and remains of ancient cities strewn all over these parts.
Add to this the trauma of the Arab slave traders, who sold so many innocent tribal people into slavery for the rest of their lives.
Add to this the lost tribes of Israel and the Lemba people, who still have Hebrew and Arab words in their language, and adhere to the Hebrew rituals and hold the Ark of the Covenant.
Yet came the visionaries, and it was President Paul Kruger and those of his ilk, who created the Kruger National Park, and thus indeed left a lasting legacy for humankind, returning the sacredness to the land and a safe haven for the animals, and Mother Earth, and all sentient beings, once having been a hunter himself.
Today that sacredness was lifted into the New Earth, as the animals are ascending.
It was so obvious. We had Impala bulls standing absolutely still in the road, and giving silent messages. Eagles flying above and in the trees. Hornbills accompanying us everywhere. The trees majestic, the ancient wisdom keepers, with the antelopes, the mongoose, the squirrels, the tortoise, the Giraffe, and all who appeared.
To experience the incredible beauty, the vastness, the bounty of the Kruger National Park, goes beyond words, beyond description. The animals here, the lions, leopards, chetah, wild dogs, giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest, hippo, crocodiles, antelope, aarvcark, the list goes on and on.
How blessed I am to have been born in Africa!
Africa holds the ancient soul of the world!
The very first continent she holds, geologists reckon she is 450 million years old for the earth records everything.
And she holds the spine of the earth, the vital force from which the NewEarth is now fully emerging.