Friday, April 15, 2022

If Just 10 People Reading this did this One Thing Daily | Don Spectacularis

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It's REALLY not MUCH: Starting today, whenever you get, say, even as much as 5 minutes of free time throughout your day, just spend a few moments (yes, literally a few moments) to send out prayers of Love, Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance and Wellbeing for ALL people of Planet Earth. You can either send Prayers, or Blessings, or just powerfully state your INTENTION (either verbally or non-verbally) that you'd want this planet to be filled up (or blessed) with more Love, Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance, and great Health and Wellbeing for ALL. For example, you can just INTENTION-ALLY STATE something as quick and easy as : "I wish that ALL upon this planet find perfect Health, Joy, Peace, Love and Prosperity." And that's IT. That's ALL you even need to do, here. For those who prefer imagining or visualizing such a world, they can even do just THAT. Or just send pure Love, Light, Joy and Peace into the Skies, the Ground, the Waters, and to ALL Living Beings! Whatever combination of things appeals to you the MOST!

Do this SINCERELY and DEDICATEDLY at EVERY FREE CHANCE that you so get THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY, even if just a couple free MOMENTS here at best here and there! Make it into a HABIT, hell, make it into an ADDICTION if you so have to. Much like some people habitually (and unconsciously) find their fingers logging on to Social Media every 5 minutes or so without even really thinking about such CONSCIOUSLY), RE-PROGRAM your very MINDS to achieve this end if you so have to, quite so similar to what I'd taught you all last week through that whole TOP SECRET Self-Hypnosis Trick thingy!

Do it. DO IT. And keep on DOING IT. Non-stop. WITHOUT FAIL. And for AS LONG as it even really TAKES to truly help change and uplift our very WORLD. (And even BETTER if you can combine that initiative with THIS INCREDIBLE APPROACH TO LIFE right here!)

If even JUST 10 PEOPLE reading this article choose to do so with a "vengeance" --- with each passing day, you're all going to well start seeing some extremely rapid developments (of the uplifting kind), not just in YOUR very CITY, but also within your very WORLD here as well.

And deep down somewhere, ALL OF YOU reading this ALREADY KNOW that this shit WORKS. So why not actually go DO IT???

Increase that number to 20, 30, 50 or 100 people and you'll soon start seeing entire f***ing MIRACLES.

And if ALL READERS ON HERE took it upon THEMSELVES to do this EN MASSE, let me just say that "waiting for good things to happen" would SOON become a THING OF THE PAST. Coz we'd then just be CELEBRATING all day long, here. After all, but a tiny few numbers of us or so have ALREADY teamed up to help derail the cabal's WORLD WAR THREE plans or so from here, already!

For such is indeed, by FAR the very FASTEST way to truly ACCELERATE the Great AWAKENING.

DO SPREAD THE WORD AROUND through your Social Medias, your Conversations (with loved ones), your Online and Offline Groups and Communities etc. and absolutely ANY OTHER means that you can so think of. BEFORE you go to sleep every time, just state an INTENTION that you'll SHARE THIS VERY IDEA with EVERYONE that you so meet in the ASTRAL PLANES. Or just help TRANSLATE IT or MAKE IT ACCESSIBLE to all those folks out there who have any challenges at all in either reading or accessing this --- or simply go convert this into BLOGPOSTS, PODCASTS, VIDEOS, or what-else-have-you!

The GREATER the sheer NUMBERS of people that we can so get ONBOARD for this glorious little INITIATIVE of ours, the FASTER does our world change for the BETTER!!!

You are LOVED.

- Don Spectacularis