Saturday, April 9, 2022

Envisioning a Future we may Know Nothing about | Steve Beckow

More, better, and different future is a projection of 3D thinking

By Steve Beckow, April 9, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Lynn just wrote in and shared how she liked an article on future envisioning.

That got me to thinking.

How does one envision the future?

It’s usually by extending what we already know into the future. Otherwise how would anyone reading it know what we’re talking about?

This 3D approach simply extends trends of the present. Things would be faster, smoother, bigger, better, etc. But always there’s the “er,” which means “of the same kind but greater than at present.”

The graphic at the top of the page demonstrates this kind of thinking: Buildings, instead of being rectangular, bulge in the middle; subway trains are elevated; building tops are shaped like spacecraft; etc.

But what we’ll find in the future, in important respects, is not “of the same kind but greater than at present.” It just isn’t. It’s literally a world apart, a world beyond.

Without factoring in the way life actually is on the higher dimensions, any description would be so far short of the mark as to be meaningless.

It’d help immensely if the description comes from one who’s seen the future, even better from one who lives in it.

I’ve had toned-down experiences of the future – visits to higher dimensions. It’s merely the knowledge of the scout rather than that of the inhabitant.

And I wasn’t looking for cities and people. I was going inwards, as I always do and probably always will. I explore inner space. Onwards and inwards.

I therefore haven’t visited a city of light or travelled on a spaceship. Nor am I inclined to.

I’ve spent time in love, bliss, and ecstasy. A few brief seconds in exaltation. Only enough to experience it and then it was gone. Archangel Michael tells us what levels these are associated with:

Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

AAM: It is the Seventh Dimension.

Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?

AAM: It is between Eight and Nine.

Steve: And ecstasy?

AAM: Twelfth.

Steve: And what about exaltation?

AAM: Then you have moved beyond. (1)

Most of us have not experienced these states. So all we can do is extend the present into the future. We will experience them, I believe, as part of our Ascension or after.

When we do, we’ll easily see that love – to take one level – determines everything there.

One cannot be in higher-dimensional love and perpetrate against another.

One cannot be in it and say hateful or spiteful things.

And of course none of these things would occur to anyone anyways. The conditions that give rise to that behavior are not there.

Therefore there would be no wars. Think how human history would have been if there was no conflict.

There would be no relationship problems and intergenerational transfer of bad habits, etc. Nothing of the sort would ever occur to anyone who is immersed in the love that prevails there.

Love is the great fact of the higher dimensions. It’s infinitely more perceptible and enjoyable than here.

Therefore any future envisioning has to start with the most-obvious, least-ignorable fact – that a form of love reigns there that we know nothing about that determines the shape of the dimensional inhabitant’s present and future.

And that future just keeps getting better. And not simply because we have what Werner used to call “more, better, and different.” It’s the way we feel that gets better. (2)

Because our hearts are open, fully and permanently, we experience the inner Tsunami of Love (3) or the even-more expansive Ocean of Love.


How do we envision what life is like under conditions that we may know nothing about, like love, bliss, or ecstasy? You see the dilemma? I can’t find words for them in a Third-Dimensional language and almost no one will know what I’m talking about, even if I do.

What I can do is quote the words of people who do know, who live in the higher dimensions. I won’t do that here, but maybe it’s time to take another look.

I’ll need to repost past articles on the subject because I’m hard at work building the GAoG Basic Library. A rush of new readers is expected after the Announcements or “the Event” and I want to be ready.

Right now I’m compiling all articles on spiritual experiences into one volume of an “Ascension Ethnography.” (4)

I love doing these compilations so I cannot entirely call it “work.”

When you read the articles on our future, keep in mind, perhaps, that the authors and the folks they’re referring to live in an environment of complete satisfaction and fulfillment, derived from the love, bliss, and ecstasy they’re experiencing.

Their words sound too good to be true. But my experience suggests that they’re every bit true and what they describe is heading our way.

Give me about a week to get organized.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.

(2) And, yes, we’ll be able to create by thought to satisfy our wants and needs. That is also better, but does not determine our actions, whereas the way we feel usually does determine them.

(3) A river because love must flow. We get to experience it as it moves up from our hearts and through us.

Archangel Michael: Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love, it [must move] through you. (“Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at

(4) Arranged chronologically, it’ll allow the observation over a decade of a progressive baseline of experiences, watched over and managed by Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother. It’ll demonstrate that these two figures play an active role in our enlightenments, determining the timing and strength of our experiences.