April 24, 2022
Lesson 8: Learning to Interpret Non-Physical Energy
Again, some of you can already do this because you've developed these skills in past lives. Some of you cannot or you don't remember, so we are adding this to our course.
The best way to learn to sense non-physical energy is to leave the physical plane. How do you do this? Through meditation.
Meditation can be as simple as sitting still in a comfortable position, closing your eyes. It's preferable to have a dark room, especially if you're a beginner.
The next thing you do is ensure that it is quiet so that no physical noises will distract you from any non-physical sounds you may here.
In other words, try your best to make yourself physically blind and deaf.
Next in meditation, attempt to raise your frequency. Why?
When you have a higher frequency you learn to see and hear what is on those dimensional levels instead of what's on earth's levels, which is lower fourth dimension or third dimensional levels.
Sometimes you can see or hear non-physical energy while you are physically conscious. That's because you're embodying higher dimensional energies while physically conscious. Sharon, for example, does this all the time.
Me: I tend to see more things when it gets darker in the room, though. I don't see that much during the day.
Athena: And this is another good point: some of you are predisposed to one or more different types of sensory experience. Some can hear (clairaudient) but not see that well (clairvisual). Some are good sensors (clairsentient) and some are not. Sharon also has the gift of psychic smell (clairalience) and she can smell archons who are only a few degrees outside of her typical physical range of vibration.
Task for This Week: Begin to sit in meditation every day for at least 10 minutes, preferably longer. Learn to allow thoughts to go through your head without reacting to any of them. Some of you say you have too many thoughts. Try meditating then, after going for a walk. The reason your thoughts are racing is they are adrenalin-fueled. Walking helps to use up excess adrenalin. Do not jog or go running because these increase adrenalin. The goal is to become more rested and refreshed.
Learn to become comfortable sitting with no outside stimuli to motivate and to distract you. Earthlings are very responsive to their external environment and this will lead you away from being comfortable in meditation, where you learn to observe your internal environment. The switch is important.
Me: I find a great way to get out of my physical head was to go to the beach and lie in the sun. With those wonderful warm waves of heat tanning my body, I have many non-physical visions and higher frequency states. It was great. I love it!
- Athena
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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