Friday, April 15, 2022

Daily Teachings of the Masters | April 15, 2022

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, April 15, 2022

Integrate, integrate, integrate. Self love is essential here because what you are doing is merging with your Higher Self, your Higher Truth, You are taking You back. And as you do, you will discover wonderful strengths, wonderful skills. Some that are long forgotten. Some that appear to be new to you in this lifetime. All are yours.

So use these precious moments now to realize that anything is possible. You have stepped into a new dimensional reality now and have closed the door to the past. You are more, energetically, in frequency than before. And what does this mean? It means you have more of "you" at your disposal. To solve riddles, to heal past hurts and to release the need to judge.

You only judge because you think you do not have enough, because you think you are still lost. You are about to discover the entryway, the portal back home.

You have been living in diseased mind, consciousness that has been believing in a past that truly does not exist. Now is the time to think the world is wide open to choose again. To realize that you can think outside the box, outside the box of past consciousness.

As you are willing to drop the past and live in the world of possiblities, you will align with your present potentiality.

Now is the time.

There is no other time that needs to concern you. Now is the moment where all possibilities exist.