Friday, April 22, 2022

Between You and Me | Heavenletters

Between You and Me | Heavenletters

APR 21 2022

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

Life in the world is up and down. One day something arrives to brighten you. The next day something arrives that saddens you. But is not this changeableness wonderful? The changeableness is opportunity, and you are being pursued by it. Sadness is no less an opportunity than joy. What you call defeat is no less opportunity than what you call success.

Your step has to fall somewhere. Your ability is your opportunity more than the events that befall. You are opportunity itself. Every moment is opportune for one such as you. Whether torrent or sun, you are opportunity that grasps itself. You are just beginning to conceive your wonderfulness.

You are not an explosive that goes off when lit, nor are you a dud that sits there. You are a manifester of life. You are the receiver of it and the giver of it. Giving and receiving are the same. One is not better than another. One does not exist without the other. It is philosophical to discuss which comes first. Giving and receiving are one act, not pieces. They cannot be separated. You have thought that giving and receiving are two different directions, but they are one.

Giving and receiving are a manifestation of love. Love is supreme on Earth. Love is supreme in the whole universe. Love is supreme in Heaven. Love is supreme in your heart.

The world is full of division. It is full of apparent opposites, but there is no opposite to love. All that you think is opposite is merely unawareness. That you have plenty of. Even so, you are more possessed of love, sparkling love, than unawareness. Believe it or not, love is your motivator. It is the only motivator there is.

What do you think energy is if not love? There is something you go for. There has to be something you go for. Energy takes you to it or brings it to you. You are attracted by something. Maybe you love love in distorted forms. Maybe you are attached to anger more than love. But even anger is your love simmering. You know that anger is energy. Put such focused energy into love, and you will be a star shot out of a cannon. You will be a missile of love.

It is even energy that makes you feel tired. It is energy thwarted, energy given no place to go to, so it sags, and you sag with it. I am speaking of more than physical energy.

Enlightenment, that you so desperately seek, is already yours. It lies dormant because you have repressed it. You have wanted to be like everyone else. You have sought mundaneness over light. Will you argue that with Me?

You are a kettle on the stove. You are also the one who has set the flame low. If you acknowledged the energy that is yours, and turned up the flame, the cover would burst into air, and there would be no lid on you. Truly, there is no lid on you. Take the cover off you as you would doff a hat. Before you take your hat off, you have the intention. That’s all you have to have now in the arena of shooting stars of love. Intend to remove whatever keeps you from soaring. Beloveds, one way or another, you put a barrier there. And, even, if you did not, you can’t wait for someone else to remove it for you.

It is between you and Me now. The One of Us. Lift up your head. Open your eyes. Lift your eyes to Heaven and let your energy rise to Me Who is the One Giver and Receiver of All.

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