Monday, April 11, 2022

Being Willing to Allow | Prageet Quotes

Being Willing to Allow

Alcazar said in the meditation, it's not about hard work. It's not about going out there and doing, doing, doing. We've passed that. Now, it's about being in the vibration and being willing to allow, letting go of those old limitations. And the first part of letting go of them is to realize that you have them. You have so many of them. And because they've been there all your life, you just assume that this is who you are. You don't realize this is a limitation. You can look at the world and see people who are so aggressive to people of another race. That's a program. That's all. It's just a program. And they believed it from their parents or from their schools or wherever. And this hatred comes through them. It's a program. We all have dozens of programs. Programs about lack. Programs about unworthiness. You know what your programs are. You know some of them, but just allow for the possibility that all those programs can start to dissolve.

- Prageet

Torrent of Light, Day 2 - Session 3