An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, April 15, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 1/7

I’d like to thank and acknowledge Linda Dillon for her channelings, which form a major component of this series.

This series of articles began as an itch I could not scratch.

I was searching for a particular quote from Archangel Michael that kept going round and round in my mind. I had the feeling I did not fully understand its significance.

He’d said that everyone on the planet was an angelic. Here’s that quote:

“At this interception moment of ascension and shift, all present upon the planet, from what has been judged as the most egregious to the most saintly, are angelics.” (1)

At first I thought he meant that we all were originally angels. Then I’d thought that only a few people, and later only lightworkers, were angelic. I was surprised – shocked, really – when I began to ponder the statement.

Archangel Gabrielle had said the same thing in few words, but the penny didn’t drop when I read it either. I thought she was being figurative:

“You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (2)

Nice figure of speech.

Earlier I had read the Divine Mother on the matter and assumed she was also talking about distant origins:

“Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings. And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle. It does not matter your colour, your hue. You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart.” (3)

But, after years of the matter rolling around in the back of my mind, the penny dropped.

They’re not being figurative; they’re being literal.

We’re all of us, alive today, transcendental angelics incarnated in human form to assist with the Ascension of Gaia and her return to being a playground of love for the angels.

This statement is revolutionary. It means that everyone on the planet at this moment is transcendental in their immediate origin (incarnated angels, archangels, seraphim, etc.), not in some ancient origin, not merely in essence, but in actuality and potentiality.

Let’s hear Archangel Michael confirm the fact that angelics hale from the Transcendental:

“The angelic realm, all of us, are not part of that twelve dimensions, twelve planes of human existence. We are a realm beyond that.” (4)

The Transcendetal is beyond that. Later in this series, we’ll see what lies beyond the Transcendental.

Now, as always happens, I began turning up other statements on the subject. Here the Mother goes over the matter again:

“There is no one and no being upon this wondrous Gaia that is not part of your celestial family.” (5)

Your celestial family. You’re an angelic and so are they.

And again:

“The plan, even outside of Ascension, was for you to come to Earth as the bright-energy, starseed angels that you are, to laugh and play and know the sheer joy and love, in physical form, of having a human experience.” (6)

Our problem is that we’re all behind masks, under veils – less so with each passing day, perhaps – having agreed to surrender our memories of who we are and why we’re here in order to be human on a human planet in transition.

Why does the Divine Mother mention this at this juncture in time? Michael explains:

“Think of it in this way. The Mother gives this [comment on everyone being angelic] as an indicator and as a reminder to the humans of who they really are.” (7)

Alllllright. The Mother apparently wants us to awaken now to who we really are and is reminding us. (I imagine that the predicted Wave of Love will help.)

The implications of this statement keep exploding in my mind. Everyone is angelic. Everyone is transcendental, in their direct background (incarnated angels, archangels, seraphim, etc.). Everyone on Spaceship Earth. And the Mother wants us to remember.

There is only one way we can go with this information – into higher-dimensional, transformative love or into resistance. I don’t plan to go into resistance.


The Company of Heaven have said repeatedly that we don’t know who is here. The Mother, for instance:

“You are mighty. You’re far more powerful than you even know.” (8)

I’m at this moment awakening to the fact that … I certainly did not suspect.

By the way, the term the “Mighty Ones” is used to refer to archangels.

If we’re all of the angelic realm and hale from the Transcendental, can we conceive of the power that rests in our hands should we come together as a self-aware, unified whole?

Michael says as much:

“What you are capable of bringing forth, of co-creating with us literally explodes. Yes, we know that we have used this term ‘expansion’ time and time and time again and expansion in this instance does mean explosion.” (9)

Now the Mother saying we’re creating a new species makes more sense to me. (10) Ivo’s “homo universalis,” the same. (11)

I stand in amazement when I consider the implications of this and other statements made in the messages that follow.

My intention here is to simply state the truth. whatever it is and wherever it leads. The only power that interests me is the power of the collective consciousness to bring about the desired result – in this case, that a world of angels demands to have a world at peace. That is the power and the promise of information like this and our awakening to its significance.

“Where is your proof?”

We start tomorrow.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.

(2) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at

(3) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 20, 2020, at

(4) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at .

(5) “Universal Mother: Your Family is the Legions of Light, June 18, 2013, Part 1/2,” at

(6) Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, The New You. Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: Council of Love, 2013.

(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading, ibid.

(8) “Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Asks, “Are You in Your Head?” February 11, 2021,” at

(9) “Archangel Michael: Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness,” December 12, 2017, at

(10) Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing. And it’s exactly what I’m doing by opening the Thirteenth Octave. (Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, Thirteenth Octave Intensive Class, Oct. 24, 2020.)

(11) Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at

By Steve Beckow, April 16, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 2/7

Yesterday we heard Michael tell us that angelics are from a realm above the twelve dimensions, which would be what I usually call the Transcendental.

In April 2020, we heard the Divine Mother declare that all upon Earth are angelics:

“Let me be clear. There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings.” (1)

I asked Archangel Michael about the matter in Sept. 2020 and he agreed with the Mother:

Archangel Michael: At this interception moment of ascension and shift, all present upon the planet, from what has been judged as the most egregious to the most saintly, are angelics. …

Right now, the full presence, let us put it that way, the full presence of your angelic form, both recent and original, is anchored fully present within and around your human form.

Steve: What does that mean, “is anchored,” Lord?

AAM: It means that the awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages. (2)

If we realized the strength we’re capable of drawing on as angelics and come together to oblige all nations to live in peace, I think we’d be an unstoppable force.

As Michael says here, we are “a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing.”

If this is not an invitation to awaken as a world to who is here, I cannot think of what would be.

Archangel Michael: You’re Now Ready to Know Who is Here,” April 10, 2013, at

Steve: I’m getting the sense, because of your comments through Ronna Herman, that we don’t have any idea who is here right now, specifically who the great masters are.

You have said, “Beloved masters, the Ascension process is not new to you. You’ve accomplished it many times before. You are all masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as starseed wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.” …

Archangel Michael: To use your phraseology, there are no day laborers on Earth at this time. None. Now, do you realize what I am saying to you? That the mother who sits by the brazier burner in India or walks the Kalahari in Africa or dances in the street in Rio all have chosen to congregate on this magnificent planet, Gaia, at this time? …

And your purpose, regardless whether you are the head of the World Bank or a political figure or a janitor or homeless one or a housewife, your role in this wonderful mosaic is the knowing of your core ability to be in your mastery that you brought with you, your wholeness, your true Ascended self. …

So, yes. You have gathered from far and wide, seraphs, archangels, those from the Outer Forces, the Inner Forces. It is a gathering the magnitude of which you are just glimpsing.

Personal Reading with Steve Beckow and Archangel Michael, Feb. 12, 2014.

Steve: I thought all angels were way above the human dimensions, but evidently not.

[I am mistakenly assuming that where an angel manifests is at their level of soul evolution. It is not, Michael says, below.]

Archangel Michael: In and out, dear heart. We are giving you the reference point in terms of human experience and where they are anchored.

Steve: So it doesn’t mean that that’s their dimensionality?

AAM: It doesn’t mean that that’s where they’re completely restricted to, in and out of form.

Steve: Right. So in the case of X, if you describe her as 10th dimensional, you’re just describing where she likes to anchor, right?

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: So, are angels from dimensions altogether different from human?

AAM: Angels are altogether different from humans.

Steve: Okay.

AAM: Now, more and more what you are seeing is the angelic self shining through and [you are] finding that place of balance within and in conjunction with the human self.

“Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at

Archangel Michael: Let me also step forward and remind each of you of your angelic heritage, of that seed of the angelic that rests within, around, each of you.

 For you have many faces.

You have many aspects. You have had many realms and experiences of existence. And for most of you ― no, not all, but for most of you ― you have had existence as angelic of one kind or another. And you carry within thee this essence to this day.

Now, why do I bring this forward as we begin yet again this conversation on the principalities, thrones, dominions and so on? Because it is important that you also realize that we do not merely speak about the bureaucracy of heaven, or the Company of Heaven.

We speak about you, about who you are, and about this energy, this essence, this spark of light that took this form of angelic being once upon a time. And I would urge each of you to acknowledge, to embrace, and to dig and to bring forth your angelic self.

“More and more we are seeing the angelic self shining through” in the entire planet. Now it all makes sense.

“Dig and bring forth your angelic self.” Well, now he’s talking about everyone, not simply a small band of lightworkers.

Dream big, he has said. But what is big now? The entire game just got immensely bigger.

(Continued tomorrow in Part 3.)


(1) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 20, 2020, at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.

By Steve Beckow, April 17, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 3/7

In the following messages, Michael explains in great detail how angels can be from the dimensional realm but not of it.

If we’re all angelics, then he’s speaking about us.

If I were to ask the questions again today, I’d ask about “Source,” the Absolute, the space beyond the Transcendental, what I think he may have meant by the “space between spaces.”

Coincidentally he’s the second source to identify our universe as a bubble and the Transcendental as being outside it. The other source did not want the discussion released at the time (2014), considering it to be premature.

“Archangel Michael on Obama, Valentines Day, and the Clean-up in the Human Realm,” Feb. 15, 2014, at

Steve: Oftentimes, we’ll talk about – or somebody will ask – where they’re from, and I’ll relay that to you, and you’ll say they’re an angel and they’re from the 9th dimension. But in this reading you said that angels don’t experience the dimensions quite as we do, so it’s not proper to say they’re from the 9th dimension. Is that correct?

Archangel Michael: We tend to say, and we have certainly often said, ‘They are from…’ Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they anchor, they visit, they are of.

Now, the same is true, because this is part of my favorite topic because it pertains to how do you — and we — interpret the information that we share with you? And as you are learning to speak in a different way, and vibration, with your star brothers and sisters, it is increasingly important that we be clear and you be clear.

And, additionally, because of this and because of the expansion that you are experiencing, your being, not merely your mind or your heart consciousness, or your emotional body, but the totality of your being is more prepared to receive and integrate the information that I speak of now.

So when you are asking about a being that is in form… so let us, for the purposes of discussion, call this person a human being whether they are a hybrid or not. When they are in human form, that does not eradicate, can we say, their angelic self.

And very often — in fact, very often, most often — when you think of the universal self, which is a term we use rather than simply higher self, which feels like a connection to a part of you, but think of it as higher, your angelic self is a very large part of who you are in a universal sense.

When you come into human form, you do so to experience the realm of the human experience — 12 dimensions, 12 planes within those dimensions, 12 rays, and so on. Now, what you are saying, and what we are saying, is where has this person primarily positioned themselves, not only in this lifetime, but in many lifetimes? When they assume form, what is the spot that they are most joyous in and like to call home?

And for some it is the 7th, which is the Christ consciousness and love. For some, it is beauty [the 9th Dimension of Surrender, Truth, and Joy]. For some it is mastery [the 11th Dimension of Mastery].

So then we will say, “That person is from, or of…” the 9th, the 10th, the 7th, the 5th, and so on, and they carry the qualities of that dimension, of that reality. That is what they bring, particularly during the time when the old 3rd has been breaking down.

The qualities, what you have thought of as the divine qualities have been very necessary. So, purity, creativity, ability to manage change, and so on, have been critical to breaking that illusion and the stationary, static nature of being encompassed in the 3rd dimension.

Now, when you leave human form, when you say to me, or to the Mother or your guides, or your beloved, “I am leaving now. I am shedding this physical form. I will see you later,” there is a universe of expansion and choice. Now, does that mean that that person, that being, now this sheer energy of angel-self, leaves completely the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th dimension? Not necessarily.

Are they restricted to that reality? No.

“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at

Steve: All angels are beyond the dimensions, is that correct?

Archangel Michael: Yes, now do we inhabit and exhibit and experience dimensionally in order to be with you and with many throughout the universe? Yes, we do.

Steve: So, often we’ve been told “You’re from the 7th dimension,” “You’re from the 9th” or “from the 11th.” We’re talking about angels and that is where they prefer to hang out at the moment.

AAM: That is where they are alighting.

Steve: Right. So, where are they from? (Laughter) I don’t even know how to talk about it.

AAM: Okay, think of it in this way. Think of your planet or even think of your galaxy. Then outside of your galaxy you have what you believe to be deep space.

Now we also know that deep space contains many other galaxies so keep going and keep going and keep going. Now, when you have gone through all of that think of it as being contained in a bubble, go outside the bubble, that’s where we are.

Steve: Aah. So, transcendental space.

AAM: Yes. But, also at times the space – now we are going to really confuse you – the space in-between the spaces.

We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source.

Steve: Right. Wow!

AAM: Yes, it is bigger than you think.

Steve: Yes. Wow. So you are transcendental?

[I fail to realize what he has just said, that they come from Source. Poor Michael. He must have been so disappointed, if an archangel gets disappointed.]

AAM: Yes.

Steve: All angels?

AAM: Yes.

But more than Transcendental; they come from the Absolute, Source, a realm beyond the beyond.


And the explosive “get” is that he’s talking about us, the angel kingdom.

Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.

Steve: Am I correct in saying that only the Father is transcendental. All else is within the material domain. The reason I ask this is how can an angel be transcendental if only the Father is transcendental?

Archangel Michael: Because the angelics can participate in that energy. It is not their entire definition of their core being but they will carry, just as you will carry, an element of the transcendental.

[They also carry an element of the Absolute, of Source, beyond the Transcendental.]

Steve: Do you remember when Ramakrishna had a vision and he saw the seven sages within the transcendental. (1) Is that the same way that angels are in the transcendental?

AAM: That is it exactly.

Steve: OK, I’ll study that passage from Ramakrishna again.

(The next article gives the passages in question from Sri Ramakrishna, which were the earliest mentions I read that raised the possibility that beings continued to live (1) with individuality intact (2) in the Transcendental.


(1) Swami Nikhilananda, trans. Vivekananda: The Yogas and Other Works. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1953, 14.

By Steve Beckow, April 18, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 4/7

In this article I’d like to look at the passages from Sri Ramakrishna in which he refers to life lived in the Transcendental.

These passages were the earliest mentions I read that raised the possibility that beings continued to live (1) with individuality intact (2) in the Transcendental.

To begin with, Sri Ramakrishna locates Narendrath Gupta, later Swami Vivekananda, in the Transcendental. He’s one of the Seven Sages. Ramakrishna invites him to join him on Earth:

“Absorbed one day, in samadhi, Ramakrishna had found that his mind was soaring high, going beyond the physical universe of the sun, moon, and stars, and passing into the subtle region of ideas.

“As it continued to ascend, the forms of gods and goddesses were left behind, and it crossed the luminous barrier separating the phenomenal universe from the Absolute, entering finally the transcendental realm.

“There Ramakrishna saw seven venerable sages absorbed in meditation. These, he thought, must have surpassed even the gods and goddesses in wisdom and holiness, and as he was admiring their unique spirituality he saw a portion of the undifferentiated Absolute become congealed, as it were, and take the form of a Divine Child.

“Clambering upon the lap of one of the sages and gently clasping his neck with his soft arms, the Child whispered something in his ear, and at this magic touch the sage awoke from meditation. He fixed his half-open eyes upon the wondrous Child, who said in great joy: ‘I am going down to Earth. Won’t you come with me?’

“With a benign look the sage expressed assent and returned into deep spiritual ecstasy. Ramakrishna was amazed to observe that a tiny portion of the sage, however, descended to earth, taking the form of light, which struck the house in Calcutta where Narendra’s family lived, and when he saw Narendra for the first time, he at once recognized him as the incarnation of that sage. He also admitted that the Divine Child who brought about the descent of the rishi [or sage] was none other than himself.” (1) [My emphasis.]

“He saw a portion of the undifferentiated Absolute become congealed, as it were, and take the form of a Divine Child.” We are in the Transcendental and yet there is more, which Ramakrishna calls “the Absolute.”

Remember Michael saying:

Archangel Michael: Now, when you have gone through all of that think of it as being contained in a bubble, go outside the bubble, that’s where we are.

Steve: Aah. So, transcendental space.

AAM: Yes. But, also at times the space – now we are going to really confuse you – the space in-between the spaces.

We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. (2)

So a distinction is being made between the Transcendental and then a space beyond, a space between the spaces, the Source, the Absolute.

From this Absolute space the God-child congealed and approached the Sage, himself on a Transcendental level. I’m willing to bet we’re hearing the way in which God would descend as an avatar, encased in one body after another as s/he descends dimensionally.

Until my conversations with Archangel Michael, this passage from Ramakrishna and the next were the only references I was aware of that pointed to people living in the Transcendental.

This next one from Sri Ramakrishna was important because it mentioned a number of his disciples, almost a community, all living on the Transcendental or near it. He continues:

“I have had many amazing visions. I had a vision of the Indivisible Satchidananda [God, the Absolute]. Inside It I saw two groups with a fence between them. On one side were Kedar, Chuni, and other devotees who believe in the Personal God. On the other side was a luminous space like a heap of red brick-dust. Inside it was seated Narendra immersed in samādhi. Seeing him absorbed in meditation, I called aloud, ‘Oh, Narendra!’ He opened his eyes a little. … Kedār, a believer in the Personal God, peeped in and ran away with a shudder. “ (3)

So, existing within the Absolute, Sri Ramakrishna sees Duality and the Transcendental.

Just as we angels have, Narendranath and the other Ishvarakotis or ever-perfect have come down from the Transcendental.

“Narendra, Bhavanath, Rakhal, and devotees like them belong to the group of the nityasiddhas [eternally-perfect]; they are eternally free. Religious practice on their part is superfluous.” (4)

So there is individuated life beyond the dimensions, as supported by evidence from an avatar (Sri Ramakrishna) and an archangel (Michael).

Michael’s admission yesterday extends that picture even further:

“We [angelics] occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source.” (5)

If that means angelics come from the Absolute, then we have evidence that individuation persists even there. With that, the last remaining pillar of contemporary enlightenment theory – that we lose individuality when united with the One – falls.

And of course what it says about who is here and who we are explodes.

(Continued in Part 5.)


(1) Swami Nikhilananda, trans. Vivekananda: The Yogas and Other Works. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1953, 14.

(2) “Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at

(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 810. (Hereafter GSR.)

(4) GSR, 279.

(5) “Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at

By Steve Beckow, April 19, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 5/7

When you read what Archangel Michael has to say here, remember what the Divine Mother has said about creating a new species of humans and what Ivo of Vega has said about “homo universalis.” (1)

If we keep this general picture in mind, it becomes clear that what is happening now is indeed an evolutionary leap for humanity. We are creating a new species or rather returning this species to its original intention with a higher-dimensional form to express through.

Michael paints a picture of the energy already contained within us. He tells us that, after the Twelfth Dimension, we can return Home.

He lets us know that the return to the One is not linear. It’s more fluid than that. And we can leapfrog.

And the final shocker: It’s also not permanent. After returning Home, we emerge again as a brilliant spark of Light.

All of this explodes most theories we have of human and spiritual evolution.

“Archangel Michael: Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness,” December 12, 2017, at

Archangel Michael: What this new grid – what this ‘upgrade’ – does is that it is anchoring the human Collective as well in the energy, the values, the qualities, the existence – the new realm of existence – of Seventh-Dimensional reality and that is the reality of Heart Consciousness. It is the reality of Love. It is the reality of Jesus Sananda – and many of the Ascended Ones.

In practical terms what does this mean? It means that what you are capable of bringing forth, of co-creating with us literally explodes. Yes, we know that we have used this term ‘expansion’ time and time and time again and expansion in this instance does mean explosion.

And I use this word not in the way it is used in the human vocabulary of war, but in the implosion/explosion of energy that catapults you forward into the Truth of who you are, into the human expression – and experience – of who you really are and in Sacred Union with all of us. Expansion has come to be thought of as more organic, a slower process, and that is why I use the term explosion/implosion.

It is to connote that the energies that are available to you to bring forth Creation of what you desire in every single realm [are] not available, [they are] not coming, it is not soon – [they are] already anchored within you and within the human Collective, so I bring great news this day! (3)

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.

Steve: What happens after the 12th dimension? Where do humans go? Do they collapse into sheer energy or…

Archangel Michael: Yes, they come into sheer energy and return. When we say return home, now some of them upon the way say, “Wait a minute, I would rather be over here.” And of course, that is absolutely acceptable.

Steve: So there is no going into angels, going into archangels, going into this realm… There’s none of that. They go from the 12th dimension home?

AAM: Yes.

Steve: That just turns our contemporary thinking on its head! (2)

AAM: Oh, you haven’t heard anything yet! We will talk about the evolutionary ladders (as you tend to think of it) and the various choices that are available in terms of that evolutionary ladder.

Steve: Oh please! We’ve got it all wrong down here! Help! Help! Message in a bottle!

AAM: I will send it parcel post and express mail!

Archangel Michael in An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at

Archangel Michael: What you are thinking of is that the progression back to the heart of One is completely linear.

Steve Beckow: Yes, I guess I am.

AAM: And that is not completely accurate. And it is also not accurate to think – and this is where the confusion comes, because you are applying the linear understanding of the human race. Let me really shock you tonight and say to you that you can be in form, in your human form – as you think of your enlightenment journey – and still be connected, consciously, in that place of full connection to the heart of One.

SB: Oh, that is a shocker!

AAM: And when you go home, … you can reunite in the heart of One. Do not think that you go off on another tangent or another journey simply because you feel like it or because you are earning your way back to that linear path. You go back out into the universe as a brilliant spark of pure light!

So you come, you return, you gain not only understanding, wisdom, knowledge – what you can think of as spiritual regeneration – and then, in concert with many, including your guides and guardian angels and, many times, whoever you are going to be working with – for example, myself or Archangel Raphael – you emerge again.

But let us suggest to you that on this journey of what you are thinking of as linear, you have emerged bigger, brighter, clearer, more connected. And that is why you spend your life, very often, in the knowing of certain things, of certain truths. That is why you teach, communicate, heal others, because you have this knowing already within your sphere.

So it is not that you are still trying to go along your path to earn the right to go home. It is much more fluid. And one of the things that you have been thinking of – and it has been true of all pathways taught – is that it is linear. If you are good, if you follow the righteous path, if you do good deeds and keep love in your heart, then you will deserve and become one with One again.

SB: Yes, that’s true.

AAM: And there is a time – well, what you would think of as time – where you do go back and simply unite.


(1) Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing. (“The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans, July 10, 2014″ in It’s All a Journey of Love: The Divine Mother in Her Own Words at

Divine Mother: You’re the wayshowers … of a new level of species. (The Divine Mother in “The New You” Course, Nov. 28, 2020, channeled by Linda Dillon.

Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (“Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021, at

(2) Contemporary thinking is well-reflected, I think, in Rumi’s poem:

“I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, ‘To Him we shall return.’” (Rumi in Anne Fremantle and Christopher. In Love with Love. 100 of the Greatest Mystical Poems. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1978, 58.)

Evidently humans do not become angels.

(3) “[They are] already anchored within you and within the human Collective, so I bring great news this day!” Yes, if we are all angelics, the energy is already anchored within all of us. “Angellos” means messenger. Michael has brought us great news.

By Steve Beckow, April 20, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 6/7

Here – in 2020 – Michael announces to us that all presently on the planet are angelics. Not in our distant but in our immediate origins.

He tells us that our angelic capabilities have been made available to us at this time “so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages.”

He wants us to make full use of our “angelic abilities” but without becoming mesmerized by them.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2020.

Steve: Now you have said there are 144 archangels. And yet on another occasion you mentioned that there were billions of those sparks of lights being birthed to this day (1) and I asked were you talking about the Seraphim or all the angels and you said you were talking about all the angels if you take it as a very large group. So am I correct in thinking that the archangels are not a very large group but angels themselves are a very large group?

Archangel Michael: Yes and No. So now I’m going to tease you because you have this expression upon the planet (I’ve already had this conversation with the channel and she has been shaking her head as well so it is an answer for both of you), you have this expression upon the planet of, “how many angels are dancing on the head of a pin?” And yes, there is an infinite number. So think of that.

Now, when I have said (and I have said it calmly but incompletely) there are 144 of us in what you would think of as the archangelic realm, for example, each of us would have, not just a thousand but 100,000 expressions of how we can be known and manifest throughout the Omniverse.

So what you are doing, dear heart, is trying to count us the way that you would count heads on a bus. It does not work that way! So our numbers are small and our number is massive.

Steve: It’s going to be hard for me to try and understand that, I know.

AAM: You’ve had occasions when I have manifested to you as a man in the street. (2) Would you say that was not me?

Steve: No, of course not!

AAM: But that was but only one of my faces.

Steve: The Mother said that there is not one being, human, starseed, hybrid or earth keeper that is not one of my angelic beings. Did she mean that we were all born as angels in the first instance?

AAM: Yes, that is correct.

[Steve: It is correct, but Michael then takes the statement further. Left as it was it could mean that they were originally angelics. I want to know if they came this lifetime from the angelic realms or from the twelve dimensions but still as angelics.]

And at this interception moment of ascension and shift, all present upon the planet, from what has been judged as the most egregious to the most saintly, are angelics.

[Steve: So not just originally angelics, but angelics now.]

Steve: Angelics… So not angels but all the angelic kingdom. So there are many more angels than archangels, obviously.

AAM: Yes, there are.

Steve: And billions of angels?

AAM: Yes, you can think of billions of angels.

Steve: Gosh, when are we going to hear about this? We need to know more about this!

AAM: We could talk, and we certainly have talked a great deal about the angelic realms as you well know (as you well both of you know). But think of it in this way. The Mother gives this as an indicator and as a reminder to the humans of who they really are.

But one of the reasons we have not spent, especially recently, a great deal of time talking about the angelic kingdoms (which we could have this course for the next several centuries on) but one of the reasons we have not focused there is because there is a … what I will term a denial factor, a very huge and unproductive denial factor in the human race of the beauty, of the importance, of the magnitude of being in human form.

There is this tendency to think, “Oh, I am an angelic” “I am above the humans” “I am grander than…” And “I can ignore my human self and I can ignore my human vessel because I am an angel.”

It is a very strange (from our perspective) mental process but it is a very prevalent one. And so the emphasis during this time of rebirth has been rebirth as human rather than focusing on the angel within, around, above, below… You understand what I say?

Steve: I do. Now when the Mother says you are all angels… She’s not talking about you were born in the beginning as angels. She is talking about no, no, no, right now, you come from the angelic kingdom and agreed to be born… Am I correct in that?

[Steve: At last the light went on.]

AAM: Yes, but understand. Your initial birth, well, particularly for those in the angel kingdom, has been as an angel. Very few simply emerge as a spark of light and stay that way. So the angels in form… you can think of it as a cycle.

So when you’re out of form you very often will take the angelic form. So right now, the full presence, let us put it that way, the full presence of your angelic form both recent and original is anchored fully present within and around your human form.

Steve: What does that mean, “is anchored,” Lord?

AAM: It means that the awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages.

Steve: OK. Is there anything we should be doing to take advantage of this situation in the service of the Mother’s Plan?

AAM: Yes. To become familiarized and, listen to what I say, yes, there is a great deal that could be done in terms of assisting the conclusion/next chapter/opening of the Mother’s Plan by familiarizing oneself with their angelic self, with merging and acknowledging that there is no separation between your angelic self and your human self.

Now, what I say – and I need to emphasize this – I’ve used the word “familiarize,” not “be mesmerized by.” And that has been the shortcoming; that has been the weak link, that the humans become (and this is particularly true of the light worker/love holder community) enchanted (which is fine) and then mesmerized (which is not fine) with their angelic self and they forget that they have chosen to be in human form and to have the human experience. So very often that mesmerizing makes them move away from rather than merging into their human form. Is that clear?

Steve: Yes that’s clear.


(1) Archangel Michael: This is something that we have never really talked about before, in the Mother’s infinite creation there are still billions of those sparks of light being birthed to this day.

Steve Beckow: And these were the seraphims or all of the angels?

AAM: No, all the angelics, if you take it as a very large group. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom (Repost),” Aug. 11, 2017, at

(2) He appeared once to me outside my apartment. I suspected it was him as I passed him and, when I turned around, he’d disappeared. Circling around the block did not reveal his whereabouts. I since confirmed the sighting with him.

I also saw him in a lucid dream, aboard ship. On both occasions, he most resembled Keanu Reeves with a ponytail.

Kathleen also saw him, once in Portland, Oregon, as a homeless man on the street and once in Vancouver as a man who danced around her as she crossed the street. She also confirmed the sightings.

By Steve Beckow, April 21, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness – Part 7/7

In summary, these are revolutionary statements that we’ve just heard: We’re all angelics. We’re all Transcendental. We access the Absolute and re-emerge. Some of our angelic capabilities have been made available to us to make ascension easier. Etc.

How many times have the Company of Heaven said that we don’t know who is here? If you just consider that one fact – that everyone here hales from the Transcendental, it brings alive their many statements on the matter.

But that’s just one insight that emerged from this hunt for a single quote. Passage after passage rolled out making one paradigm-shattering statement after another. We can go “Home” after leaving the Twelfth Dimension. It isn’t linear. If we do go Home, we also re-emerge.

Those three statements alone revolutionize our view of the spiritual journey. My writings just passed their “Best Before” date. How fleeting is fame.

In discussing how there were few incarnated archangels and seraphim, the Mother added a comment at the end that also shook me:

“Now, your question to me is, are there millions of emanations? And my answer, sweet one, is no, there are not. They are very specifically placed in what you would think of as universal or global roles, and they are positioned to do the work that the specific archangel or master has chosen to do, decided to do, committed to do — for me — throughout eternity, or until such time as they return. In which case they will begin again, regardless.” (1)

At the time, reading this comment was the first mention I’d heard that we re-emerge after “going Home.” No terrestrial sage had ever said that, in my recollection.

Does anyone else from the Company of Heaven say it? Yes, Michael does here:

“And when you go home, and you can reunite in the heart of One, do not think that you go off on another tangent or another journey simply because you feel like it or because you are earning your way back to that linear path. You go back out into the universe as a brilliant spark of pure light!

“So you come, you return, you gain not only understanding, wisdom, knowledge – what you can think of as spiritual regeneration – and then, in concert with many, including your guides and guardian angels and, many times, whoever you are going to be working with – for example, myself or Archangel Raphael – you emerge again.” (2)


And Mike Quinsey does as well:

“In the scheme of things you periodically return to the Godhead, only to be sent out again for further experience.” (3)

Up till now, the spiritual journey has always been represented as one of no return, nirvana, nada. The Company of Heaven has corrected this line of thinking.

Meanwhile I’m watching my theoretical glass house be shattered, pane by pane.

And how exciting it is.

There you have it. All of us are angelics on the planet at the present time. And that means that all of us hale from the Transcendental and access the Absolute. And that in turn has terrific implications for what we’re capable of.

I hope we put this information to good use in calling on our innate capabilities to bring the accountability phase of Ascension rapidly to its conclusion.

It’s time to build Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.

Everyone of peaceful and loving intent is welcome to join in.


(1) “The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” June 17, 2013, at

(2) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at

Michael identifies that the orders of archangels and seraphim are smaller groups than the angels:

Archangel Michael: This is something that we have never really talked about before. In the Mother’s infinite creation there are still billions of those sparks of light being birthed to this day.

Steve Beckow: And these were the seraphims or all of the angels?

AAM: No, all the angelics, if you take it as a very large group. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom [Repost],” Aug. 11, 2017, at

(3) Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, Feb. 14, 2020.
An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness | Steve Beckow An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 4/22/2022 01:39:00 AM Rating: 5

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