By Steve Beckow, March 22, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
How many things do we call “everything that is.”
God, love, consciousness….
Three things cannot be everything that is all at once and be mutually exclusive, can they? It can’t be love and not consciousness or consciousness and not love.
So it’d be fair to say that God = love = consciousness, would you agree?
“God,” “love,” and “consciousness” are just words pointing at the same thing.
How am I going to realize that? What tools do I have at my disposal?
The one I prefer is awareness – simple, bare awareness. Awareness (or consciousness) of what is, not what I’d like to see. The plain, clear truth of the moment. What’s here now? How am I feeling?
The sharper my awareness, the closer I come to realizing that … well, that awareness is all there is. Consciousness or awareness is all there is on a number of scores.
One, awareness is the form and substance of all that is and is not.
Two, this is all a dream existence, real only in the dream. Beyond the dream is the dreamer and that is, again, consciousness or awareness – all that is.
Three, awareness I can do at any time, in any place.
I’ve experienced myself as a point of awareness in an Ocean of Love. Without body or possessions, I never felt freer. All there was was love in all directions and this dot on the endless sea, which was the point of awareness I am.
I’ve practiced awareness since 1975, when I first attended a consciousness-raising encounter group. It’s automatic with me now to know how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking, as much as I can know.
Over the years I changed my view of awareness from it being neutral to it being dissolutive (my word apparently). Paint your thoughts and feelings with bare awareness and they lift and disappear. For that reason I’m calling it “transformative awareness.”
Resist your thoughts and feelings and they persist.
Using simple awareness, I’ve gone back through many (not all, by any means) of my vasanas or core issues and released the knot that held them in place. I now listen to my laugh and it has a clarity it did not years ago. I marvel at it.
There’s a slight self-servingness to saying this. In reality any changes in me are very likely due to the rising love energies. But of course I’d see them as the result of my own efforts.
I no longer behave irritably … well, a great deal of the time, that is. Interrupt me when I’m writing and I growl.
And, when I become aware of a wisp of love or bliss, I recognize it and it then unfolds and possesses me.
What’s not to love about awareness?