How the Alliance Works, Another Conversation with Phil Schneider
Another Day at the Park
I have a page up on our first website called, “ET Visitors and the Liberation of Earth” and I'll link it in I in the description. What I originally tried to figure out is how ETs, particularly the ones who walk among us here on the planet, are working to liberate us. We know they've been here for a long time, long long time, even longer than the negative forces that created the thirteen bloodlines have been. Why do I know this? Well, because they tell me so, but I also doubt human life on earth was quite as diverse before ETs came to settle this planet.
Thankfully, there are many groups who are participating in the liberation of this planet, from groups that are part of the GFL, to individual councils who send their own people, to the people of this solar system whose council oversees this process and interacts with our own earth council, with members from upper and lower earth. Then there's the involvement of the Secret Space Program, and I've not delved into that yet and I probably won't because so many other people have so much information to give us.
I started with a book about Ashtar Sheran, channeled by Elizabeth Trutwin, with many references of “the days to come” in other words – now – and what the GFL can do about liberating us, and how they are restricted. Obviously because they are restricted, they need the starseeds to help them, and that's why we were sent – because we function as earthlings at least for this one lifetime, and in giving us information, they can get things done that they themselves cannot do because of one primary caveat – our free will. In educating us, they can then utilize our free will as an asset in their battle against the dark. Understand of course, that the dark seeks to do the same thing and this is where you have to outsmart them by becoming wise to their programming and their trickery.
I came to realize that the Alliance, a term coined by David Wilcock I believe, is very pivotal in this. I believe that the Alliance are the next generation of politicians and world leaders. Or at least they know who they are. What we have now is a bunch of warmongering power over others so-called leaders and frankly whether you like them or not, eventually earthlings will outgrow their need of them. I have already. I have no need for someone with an itchy nuclear trigger finger running my country or the one next door. By no means are we liberated yet. Threatening other world leaders with your armament is about as effective in creating peace as my cat's fighting with the other neighbors' toms night after night. It just creates tension, results in expensive trips to the vet's and doesn't resolve any of the territorial issues. It gets nobody anywhere.
What I find with the Alliance is that they use a lot of whistleblowers. They find disgruntled people who have issues with the MIC and the DS, who would love to “get back” at them and so they utilize this to their advantage. (I believe it was Ashtarwho alluded to this by saying that virtually nobody on the planet now is of unity consciousness but still the GFL uses our duality thinking to their advantage. So the person might be getting back at the DS, but this will produce a result that will propel humanity closer to peace – it will produce a positive result. The only peace for this planet is the peace of unity consciousness, folks, just sayin'.) Phil Schneider was one of them, for example. He told me he was approached by the Alliance back in the 80's after being shot up in a surprise encounter with a Zeta at Dulce base. Having lost some toes and three fingers and having suffered all kinds of other health issues after this hit, he gladly opened himself up to a group of people who wished to utilize all his knowledge but admittedly for a dangerous mission.
So they find the disgruntled. That's one step. Other whistleblowers come from the ranks of the Monarch and child trafficking programs so that supports my argument. Those who are on their death beds and don't want to die with a guilty conscience make up many of the others. I'm sure they get approached by the Alliance as well.
You'll hear again from Phil in this conversation I had at the park today. While there I was doing my usual pointing out to Merton of ships and blips I see in the sky. I also noticed a beam of energy coming down, which was not the sun for all you skeptics. It was overcast and barely sunny today. This energy shone right through the deck of clouds.
As an aside, here's one I came up with for those people who, at the 2022 Nuremberg trials will declare that they were just doing their job. The appropriate response to that should be: “Yes, well, so are we.”
By the way, that slap at the Oscars last night was totally fake. It's just another trick to divert you from what's really going on. Give it the attention it deserves – none.
The question is: Phil Schneider, were you contacted by the Alliance?
Phil: I was. I was asked to become a whistleblower. I was given contacts and venues to speak at. But this was the 80's and things were so small then. Now my video's are out, reaching millions.
Me: Cool, eh?
Phil: Yeah. So many P's. I wish I was back there.
Me: That can be arranged. LOL Why don't you walk in?
Phil: I could. I'll think about it.
Me: How did they contact you? What did they propose?
Phil: Actually the contact was a commander friend in the black projects.
Me: Wow, okay.
Phil: He started telling me about this organization, slowly. He didn't say too much too soon.
He worked me in slow, over years really.
Me: But they didn't protect you.
Phil: Numbers, Sharon. They weren't that big then nor that knowledgeable. It's because of the insiders that came forward to help that they grew in power.
Me: Plus They're working with the positive ETs.
Phil: yes, but they were limited then too.
Me: How so?
Phil: Earthlings are captives. They're the sacrificial lambs that the DS holds hostage. (This is why we have to wake up now and liberate ourselves from their mind control, by the way).
Me: Yes, I've heard of toplet bombs etcetera.
Phil: For example. With that in place, it's hard to come charging in. The key here is the people on the planet. They have to be awake. I knew my life was on the line. I knew what they did to people who talked.
Me: But you talked, knowing you'd die for it.
Phil: True. That's a P. Love of all is greater than the love of self. I had kids!
Me: Yes, Now they'll have a chance, or your grandchildren will. So what did you tell you once you agreed?
Phil: I was taken to a safe house and told to go there when I was in trouble, for starters. This house is wired to interfere with any listening devices either planted on me, in me, or via satellite.
Me: Hmm. What else?
Phil: There was my contact and another military man. A general, who told me a bit about what they were doing and what their next steps were and how I could help them. They knew at the time that the public had to get on board because we needed their cooperation. They said they had a job for me but it would be very dangerous. I'm not afraid. I don't scare easy.
Me: I guess not, working with those aliens.
Phil: Some of them are okay.
They told me I had to get on the circuit and they paid my expenses. Other whistleblowers like Tomkins were coming out so they said I could use them as back-up.
They were very strict though – they said everything had to be video'd.
Me: Now we know why, of course!
Phil: Sure!
Me: Can you tell me one of the first things they told you about? What you knew was probably very compartmentalized so you didn't know what else was going on in the MIC?
Phil: Sure. Human trafficking. I was shocked. I didn't know. They showed me proof. I almost peuked.
Me: Yes, disgusting.
Phil: We wouldn't do the jobs we were doing if we thought they were connected to something that evil. That's for sure. I have kids, you know!
Me: I know. It's horrible. I can't even look at it. I know it goes on. So they get you on board by showing you what all this is connected to. Did you know about abductions and genetic tampering?
Phil: Yes and no. They said they weren't connected to that. That was the greys.
Me: Of course. They've built the MIC on a base of lies, now that will cave in on them. Did the Alliance offer you money?
Phil: No. They won't. They'll cover your expenses but the time is yours. If you lose days off work then it's your loss.
(They do this because they don't want people in their organization who are money-oriented and doing it like a job. They want people committed to the Light, not earning a paycheck. Working for the Light is a question of ethics, not a financial interest.)
Me: Yes, you can tell the good guys. They don't motivate you with money.
Phil: (Incredulously, upon realizing I'm pointing out ships to my brother Merton) You're shooting down their ships?!
Me: Yes, my brother is GFL so we shoot down enemy ships that I see.
Phil: Wow! That's great. There are loads of them, I guess.
Me: Not so many anymore.
Phil: Yes, Okay, they also told me about the crime families, watergate, the Cuban missile crisis and what was really behind all of it. They spelled things out so you could see the connection to your job.
Me: Yes, which is what the military doesn't tell you. That's why they compartmentalize.
Phil: No. Eventually they told me more, and I'm told that that's still TS.
Me: TS?
Phil: Top secret.
(I checked a list of acronyms and the top acronym TS stands for is “Top Secret”. I never would have thought of that myself. For me, it'd be like “tough shit” which was an old expression for “tough luck” in the 70's.)
Me: I know. We still don't know how dastardly all of this is.
Phil: By the way, Sharon, there's a Zeta with your name on it. His name is Tressub. He hates you.
Sharon: Yeah, He can join the flock. There are loads of draco's that would like to have a go at me.
Phil: Oh really?
Sharon: Yes, I'm very wanted but not in a good way.
Phil: Tressub might incarnate. If he does, watch out.
(This is another thing I get from people who I channel: they reciprocate by giving me some interesting personal information or tips. It's kind of a way that telepaths “gift” each other.)
Me: They're trying to get me off the planet. Imagine with my ability to see dark ships, being on a ship myself. We could get them all in no time and free the whole planet of their fleet.
Phil: Good idea. We can meet then.
Me: That'd be great! So it wasn't hard to motivate you to work with the Alliance then?
Phil: After being shot at by that Zeta?! No!
Me: True. I guess picking people with every reason to want payback is a good choice. That's motivation right there.
Phil: Yeah, I wanted payback.
Me: Well, you've got it.
Phil: I'd love to be there now.
Me: Go for it.
Phil: I might, thank you Sharon.
Me: Good talking to you. We'll speak again.
Phil: God bless America.
Me: Which is a good point, Ashtar. Phil just told me Bealzebub the Zeta is planning on reincarnating here. Can he?
Ashtar: He can't. We have control now.
Any one being coming in is either a human soul or a starseed soul, nothing else.
Demonics are picked out and sent for reprocessing.
Me: But they're still here, disembodied?
Ashtar: Which is being worked on. If you all send white light to your attachments or the attachments of others it would help us. For those who can, close dark portals or if you can't flag up these portals to Archangel Michael. His force tends to work on them.
I'm sitting here at the park and see a whole beam of white light come through the clouds. Not the sun, the sun is diffused today by the cloud deck, which is 90% of the sky.
Turned the car on for a bit of heat and stereo starts playing, “Sha na na na Kiss Him Goodbye,” so I asked Phil if he remembers that song. He says he does. “A good song.” We spent a bit of time listening together. Phil was born in 1947 so he was 20 years old in the “Summer of Love.” He knows all the good music. I have it all on my usb stick in the car.
I saw something near me in the sky. I flag up Merton to this thing. He says, “It's technology. A transmuter,” so I guess it was activated by the light beam I saw, trying to reverse the energies. Merton blew it up so he was expecting the dark fleet to come looking to see what happened to their technology. I alerted Commander Erron, who now jokingly calls me, “Here Comes Trouble,” with Commander Hara. Yes, whenever I'm around, battles seem to ensue. So be it. I AM the incarnation of the goddess of war.
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How the Alliance Works | Phil Schneider and Ashtar Sheran via Sharon Stewart
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/29/2022 10:42:00 PM