(Golden Age of Gaia)
Full disclosure ~ The email this message arrived in was from the 14th, a week ago; and it’s sourced from a Kryon book originally published in 2014. It’s further illustration of the negotiability of space/time.
With all of the items on Earth that seem negative right now, we’re giving you the most powerful, inspirational, hopeful news that has ever been given. That the veil is being postured to be slightly lifted—reduced to a place where you can move into another dimension, keeping the one you’re in.
In the process, wisdom will replace chaos, and answers to eons of strife may be revealed.
In order to move forward with this, you’re going to have to tune to that new station—the one that you can’t see or hear—the one that’s beyond your senses. Let’s call it what it is: You’re going to have to calibrate to the new Universal energy.
This is not a new attribute of Earth.
This dimensionality has always existed on the planet, but it has been out of reach to everyone but the avatar or shaman until now.
From Kryon Book Nine: The New Beginning: 2002 and Beyond through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via gary@kryon.us)