By Steve Beckow, February 24, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
At a time like this one gets to see one’s attachments. If I stand to lose them, I try out how that might be.
I find that I’m not attached to money. Not attached to my apartment, books … my archive of work over the years? Yes, somewhat. But when I look deeper, I see …. naw, I’m not even attached to that.
Remember what the basic spiritual movement, in my estimation, is: To turn from the world to God. (1)
Well, in this imaginary check-in, I see that I’ve turned from the world to a greater or lesser degree.
The second part is to turn to God. How am I doing there?
I’ve most definitely turned towards the divine states, which are our way of experiencing God at this level of reality. No need to take a vote. Hands down.
I’m turned towards every state I’ve (usually briefly) experienced: love, bliss, ecstacy, peace, etc. Each one of them is vote-changing – and different.
Whenever I experience a divine state, I’m usually amazed at what I find. (2) I can truly say I had no idea of what any of them would be like – none whatsoever – before I found myself in them.
And I studied enlightenment for 20 years so you’d think I’d have taken in something about the divine states. But, no, I did not. I was always focused on the little golden star (the Christ, the Atman, me and you) in my vision. (3)
Above Top Secret: Pssst! Follow the yellow brick road – follow the divine states. I think they lead back to God. Deeper and deeper into your favorite divine state…. What’s not to like?
God in my life is my family and friends. God is love and generosity. God is resting in bliss.
I hope some day God absorbs “Steve” or permanently fills me up. I think they’d call that Ascension.
I’m more and more turned towards the divine vs the mundane with each passing day. That seems consistent with the continually-rising energies hitting Gaia and our slow and gradual Ascension. (4)
After I wrote “Take Me First,” I was given my reward. I saw that my ability to drop into a meditative state once I started had greatly increased. My ability to tap into love and bliss has also expanded.
This development addresses requests I had of Michael that I’d have what I needed (like memory, for instance) when the time came to take on the bigger role he was requesting of me at the time. I see what just happened as an instance of how the Company of Heaven gives us what we need to play our parts.
I haven’t tested my memory. I’m too drenched in transformative love at this moment to care to do so. Or anything else than write.
Anyone wondering how “I” can make a difference, little shrimp that I am [***not***], this is “how.” Acting from this higher-dimensional love is what will have your life work and the lives work of everyone on this planet who can survive in the more refined vibrations.
The love that I’m experiencing right now flows out in all directions. Love is by its nature unconditional……. It’s we that are conditional, not love.
In this love, you can move mental, emotional, and spiritual mountains. Correction: There are no mountains in this love.
When we all experience what I’m experiencing, all questions, all dilemma, all concerns would vanish.
And so it is.
(1) On this fundamental topic, see “The Basic Spiritual Movement,” June 12, 2009, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spirituality/back-to-the-basics-2/the-basic-spiritual-movement/
“The Basic Spiritual Movement x 2,” February 20, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/02/20/the-basic-spiritual-movement-x-2/
“Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 1,” July 28, 2021, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/28/discrimination-detachment-and-devotion-part-1/
“Clarity, Purity, and Love: The Basic Spiritual Movement Restated,” Dec. 5, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/the-divine-plan-for-life/clarity-purity-and-love-the-basic-spiritual-movement-restated/.
Also download Back to the Basics: Introductory Essays to a Cross-Cultural Spirituality at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Back-to-the-Basics-R2-Cross-Cultural-Spirituality.pages.pdf
(2) Because it doesn’t fit my pictures. Peace being like granite? Love being as … the word “satisfying” seems weak … as it is. Bliss, like every sense meeting its “forever favorite” and never tiring of it. Don’t get me started.
(3) For a description of the vision, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(4) Might they be melting glaciers as well?
When we all Experience What I’m Experiencing... | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/25/2022 01:12:00 AM