Very Soon you will, Once again, be Fully Awake | Saul via John Smallman

Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake.


(John Smallman)

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with delight as humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate towards its complete accomplishment. I know you are all very tired of the word “soon,” but by using it regularly as you think, write, or talk about awakening, you validate it. So know that humanity’s awakening will happen soon! You are ready for it, you are tired of waiting, and you are, collectively, bringing it to fruition. There are amazingly large numbers of you who are daily resetting the intent to be only loving whatever arises as you engage with your necessary human routines, and even doing only this is extremely effective in intensifying humanity’s awakening process. You are truly fulfilling the much loved and honored phrase from the Holy Bible: “to be in the world but not of it,” (John 15:19.)

You are going about your daily lives sharing and extending Love, and refusing, for the most part, to engage with your egoic impulses to judge or condemn any one. Everyone is doing their best, even if that does not appear to be the case. How it appears to you, or to others, is a judgment, even if it is not expressed or shared, and remember that none of you, while in form, have the necessary knowledge or wisdom that could fairly and evenly validate any judgments you might wish to make. When you leave behind the limitations that form imposes upon you, even thoughts of judgment will no longer arise, because as One, Source, Love, there is always total acceptance, absolutely nothing to judge, and you will know yourselves as you are – LOVE.

Love is All. It is all embracing, It is all enveloping, and It is constantly being fulfilled and expressed with never a moment’s pause or interruption. Love is what you are, and as you awaken you will know the wonder of It and know that you have never ceased, even for the briefest of moments, to be separated from experiencing your natural and eternal state, the Oneness that is Love. There will be no disturbing, painful, or unsettling memories of your lives in form because they never occurred, there is nothing to remember, there is always and only now.

The idea that there is only Now, is one that you can almost accept intellectually, but your physical senses believe in and experience the past (as memories!), the present (Now!), and await the future with either enthusiasm, anxiety, or something in between those two states. And of course, it seems that the present is always past, because now, although it is always present, never lasts! However, the more time you choose to spend in your holy inner sanctuaries, the more Real the Now becomes for you, demonstrating that it is ever-present, even if only momentarily. Being in human form is not easy, and it does tend to be confusing and uncertain for much of your lives. Uncertainty is something most do not enjoy, but it is constant because form is change. Many changes may seem minor or unimportant, and then some major event or catastrophe occurs, intensifying the anxiety of uncertainty.

However, there is one certainty, the only one – Reality/Love. Do not allow yourselves to forget this when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by events in your personal daily human lives, or by larger events at a national or international level, or even Earth changes – storms, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc. You are, each and every sentient being, aspects of and inseparable elements of the One with Whom you are eternally One in every moment of your eternal existence. What you are experiencing as a human in form is temporary, momentary, even though, while you are undergoing it, the time for which it lasts can seem interminable when it is unpleasant, and quite fleeting when it is very enjoyable.

To awaken is to fully delight in the eternal wonder of Now, the eternal joy and satisfaction of life, which can only be Now. You are all-knowing, not because your infinite mind is filled with knowledge, but because you have full access now – not later, or next week or next year – to whatever is of interest to you. There is nothing to learn, because you are all knowing. In form you have to learn how to operate your form (your own bodies), and the forms with which your forms interact, living or non-living – other people, animals, cars, computers, phones, thoughts, everything – all your skills and abilities have to be learned. Awake you are all-knowing, unawake you are uncertain, confused, limited, lost.

To be fully awake, fully conscious, and fully aware is your natural state. You do not need rest or sleep, and you cannot be distracted or drawn away from this moment, the only moment, and your awareness is always fully attentive to All. That is why you receive an instant response whenever you call on your spiritual support teams, saints, or guides in the non-physical realms. They are always there for you, for All. When you are awake there is nothing to which you are unable to attend instantly, nothing gets missed, delayed, or forgotten, all that you choose to attend to is always attended to Now! There can never be a state of circumstances or a situation in which a response from you needs to be delayed, adjusted, limited or refused, you are always instantly able to respond fully and perfectly to whatever arises. You are utterly at One with Source, with All That There Is, Now. That state is unchanging and eternal. It is infinite JOY!

So, as you make a point of going deep within yourselves daily to open your hearts to Love, remind yourselves that this illusory or unawakened state of life in form that you are presently experiencing most realistically, with all its doubts, fears, and uncertainties is drawing to a close. Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake, and the dream or illusion will be no more, because it never was!

With so very much love, Saul.
Very Soon you will, Once again, be Fully Awake | Saul via John Smallman Very Soon you will, Once again, be Fully Awake | Saul via John Smallman Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/13/2022 09:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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