(Golden Age of Gaia)
February 11, 2022, trinityesoterics.com
We often advise you to make your highest choice one now moment at a time. You know what that is by using your wisdom to feel into what choice would bring you the most long lasting joy. What makes you feel good in the moment but also gives you satisfaction in the long run? What choice aligns with your truest intentions for today and tomorrow?
For example, if you have quit smoking but are feeling very stressed and are experiencing a craving, having a cigarette might feel satisfying momentarily but will ultimately lead to regret. Reuniting in a relationship that has run its course might feel satisfying in the moment, but will quickly lead you back to remembering why it did not work.
Think of your ego as an insatiable child who wants things now. It knows what it wants, and doesn’t think much of consequences or of your intentions for the future. The ego is a very necessary part of the human experience, it just isn’t the part of you that you would want to make all your decisions, because they won’t be made from a space of wisdom.
Do you see? The choices your ego makes will only satisfy you temporarily, where your soul-based choices will continue to satisfy you over time. So when you are faced with a decision, we highly recommend that you feel into what is the most loving choice for both the present you and the future you. From there you will be able to move forward confidently as your own loving shepherd and guide, and the results will always support the highest unfoldment of you.
The Highest Unfoldment of you | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/12/2022 11:26:00 PM