Leading the People out of Bondage, Who will Lead? Why not you? | Steve Beckow

Why me, Lord? Who am I to lead thy people out of Egypt?

By Steve Beckow, February 14, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Our best wishes to the European Freedom Convoy as it converges on Brussels today.

I’d like to draw attention to Mike Quinsey’s latest message. (1) In it, Mike’s Higher Self begins by telling us that Covid is the last chance Team Dark will have to try to annihilate the people of this planet:

“The Covid problem is, as you may be aware, the final attempt of the dark Ones to further their plan to severely reduce the Earth’s population.”

All their pandemics (SARS, AIDS, Ebola, swine flu, bird flu) could be classified as attempts to depopulate the globe and assume control of the rest – in short, annihilate us. And this is their last mind-blowing attempt.

It’s been said that, in the higher realms, the New Earth has already arrived. And it just requires our catching up for it to manifest here. Our waking up. And we are awakening. Freedom convoys, students striking from school, a proposed general strike – people are refusing to cooperate with the deep state. Mike continues:

“[Covid] has failed in its objective and whilst it has caused much harm and deaths, they have been greatly reduced with the help of the Pleiadians, who have been with us especially to ensure we get through this period of immense difficulties as soon as possible.”

Can you believe we’re even talking in calm and rational tones about the extent of death and injury Team Dark has just caused, with their latest pandemic? And yet, in my opinion, to continue to be calm and reasonable we must. That’s why lightworkers are here: We’re the leaven in the loaf.

He tells us that, in spite of the hardship, we’re greatly privileged to be here on Earth at this time. Yes, for those who don’t know, Earth’s consciousness shift, her Ascension is of an entirely different kind than other Ascensions so far. Part of the reasion we’re privileged is that we’re part of something new that’s of universal importance. All eyes are on Earth.

Previously these consciousness shifts were individual. This time it’s en masse.

Previously one had to drop the body to ascend. This time we ascend with the altered physical body (no longer carbon-based but crystalline-based).

An entirely-new process requires an entirely-new environment. Earth is pioneering a new space, into which the rest of the universe will ascend as time progresses.

If that doesn’t make the people here feel special, I’m not sure what could. The heavens parting and a choir of angels descending? I’ll put in the order.

Imagine reading a novel about a woman or a man in a future time, saving the planet from destruction and leading the people out of bondage.

Guess what? That’s you. Moses also didn’t believe he could do it. (My favorite movie scene ever.)

But I’m getting ahead of Mike:

“As strange as it may seem, you are privileged to be on Earth at such an historic time, and many souls would have gladly taken your place to be part of such an amazing experience. … There will come a time when you will look back and fully understand what you have achieved against all the odds. So now the tide has turned and a bright future is assured even if at this time it is difficult to see.”

You that are reading this already are an ascended master. And then you agreed to forget all about it and incarnate.

And by “ascended,” I don’t mean just Fifth-Dimensional. Ashtar is an ascended master and he’s in the Transcendental, beyond the twelve dimensions:

Ashtar: What we have done is we have brought our vibrations to the Fifth Dimension in order to be at a place where we can meet you. If you are to think of the human realm and what is available currently to you, if you were looking for me, I would be out of the realm of human experience. So, let us make that clear as well.

Steve Beckow: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that correct?

A: That is correct. (2)

So no more thinking they’re just a few steps ahead of us. They may be from very advanced dimensions. But then so may we.

Shall we dance?

No more thinking of ourselves as “less than.” Outside our bodies, we are they.


If you were wearing a deep-sea diving suit and glass helmet and someone asked you to dance, how well would you do?

This body is a deepsea diving suit. No fair comparing us to dance-floor hummingbirds. Mike continues:

“Keep calm and peaceful as you go through the changes that are necessary to move humanity forwards and be part of the advanced souls who are leading the way. By example you can help others who are uncertain as to what they should do.”

Absolutely. Words, actions, energy – however we send out the love that will cause the miracles. Our calmness and patience will show the way.

I’m reassured that Mike says our example communicates. I want to hear someone tell me that radiating love communicates as well. I’m sure it does.

“It is up to those who are more aware to lift others up and show them the way.”

Any ascended master would make the task easier for us by telling us right off the bat, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of the matter. Here it is: Love is the way. Full stop.

Then we have our specific versions of where to go from there.

With that, our kit is totally packed and we’re ready to go.

Keep on trucking has come to have an entirely new and different flavor for this generation, one of hope for the future. Mike says:

“You are one big family, brothers and sisters travelling the same path regardless of which stage you are at. …

“Many separate paths will be created, but only to Ascension, providing you are ready for such an advancement. If you are not, the chance will come around again and continue to do so for aeons of time. …

“The dark Ones have held you back for such a long time by limiting your experiences and understanding of the truth. In reality you have no need to experience life after life on Earth, and having now been given the way back to the Light and higher levels you have something to aim for that is within your reach.”

Mike is speaking to the populace in general here. Lightworkers have ascended previously and are assured of returning to their estates (and then ascending themselves from that estate).

We are waiters at the banquet of Ascension, the leaven in the loaf. Our meal comes after that of those we serve. Many people, once ascended, will leave Earth. But it’s hoped that most lightworkers will stay and build the new society.

It’s messages like Mike’s that have me say, we’ve already won. The Light has won. And, being Light, it builds a new and different future – free of the excesses of the past.


(1) All quotes, unless otherwise mentioned, are from Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Feb. 11, 2022, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) Ashtar in “An Introduction to Enlightenment and the Trinity – Part 2/2,” May 14, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/14/an-introduction-to-enlightenment-and-the-trinity-part-22/.
Leading the People out of Bondage, Who will Lead? Why not you? | Steve Beckow Leading the People out of Bondage, Who will Lead? Why not you? | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/14/2022 10:18:00 PM Rating: 5

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