An Imagination of Light | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, February 14, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

February 13, 2022

Balance is everything, is the only
way to hold on…
In my life
I am going to keep trying
for the balance,
remembering the risks and the value
of extremes…

~Alice B. Fogel, Balance

It is so peaceful this morning. A mourning dove with her plaintive call. Train whistle in the distance, a different kind of plaintive. The angel statue absorbing sun, sheltered under the avocado tree in the back yard.

What a change from yesterday. Jittery energy, unexpected and unwelcome events popping up in my little world. Today, the balance moves to the other side.

Sometimes it feels like life, fate, universal energy, dumps a truckload of sand on one of the balance scales of my life. The other side, the “good“ side, jounces upward, empty and dry as a cleaned plate.

In some ways I think all of us, aware or not, are experiencing these unprecedented extremes. Even if they seem minor compared to what we might see others experiencing, events can still throw us for a loop.


After the jangliness appeared to subside yesterday evening, I stood with my hands on the kitchen counter and wondered how the family was. I could’ve gone into the other room and looked. Then it occurred to me to energetically rather than physically check in, as I’ve been doing more frequently of late.

One by one I checked them. And then myself. With each individual, I got a visual of a strong, broad-based flame that reminded me of a very large pilot light. Burning cleanly with golden yellow light, within the beingness of each.

After a moment my awareness wandered further afield. Almost immediately I received a sense of these warm pilot flames that burn unquenchably within every individual in the world.

I was reassured and also touched by the brightness and warmth of these flames. So much light and strength. The thing that warms me most about this imagination of light was how steady each flame was.


A little bit later, I mused on the uncomfortable events of the day. A visual representation of each challenge appeared as a kind of a hollow rectangle comprised of a thick black line, with a black line directed downward like a signpost planted in the ground. There was nothing written on the “sign“; there was a swirly kind of fog within the rectangle.

And then I saw that these black-outlined fog rectangles were present with the pilot flames that I still visualized within my immediate family, below each flame and working upward into the flame.

Then I turned my attention outward and saw the same thing with every single pilot flame of light that every human has. As I continued to observe, it appeared that each of these fog rectangles was being sucked upward into the flame of each individual, and the flame burned brighter with consuming the fog rectangle.

I received an understanding, which is valid to me, that the events or situations represented by those rectangles of fog are actually feeding the flames of our lives and our light. These events and situations, largely unwelcome or resisted by our conscious selves, are fueling us, strengthening us, brightening the lights that we are.


I don’t like feeling uncomfortable, uncertain, fearful, or worried. While I’m in the midst of experiencing undesirable events or situations, all I can really feel is the “bad“ emotions.

If I’m lucky, while things are transpiring, I remember to speak to the angels and ask for help. Sometimes it’s simply in the form of, help me angels, help me angels, help me angels, and I can’t even formulate what I want “help” to look like.

From many accounts by commentators and channels, we are in the midst of chaotic transformation, and are heading for more, for the foreseeable future. I have a feeling that I might be experiencing more uncertainty and discomfort, possibly from many simultaneous situations, than I’ve ever dreamed of, let alone experienced.

I do believe what many are saying, that positive, brilliant things are in store for humanity, Earth, the All That Is itself. For humans, that hopefully means freedoms restored, lovingkindness emanating from more and more people, and justice triumphing on a global scale. Individually, perhaps we’ll connect with kindred spirits and like-minded souls, and let go of relationships that are karmically complete, or that no longer serve the participants’ best or highest good.

A great deal of exciting, positive changes appear to be forthcoming. But no matter how positive many of the changes are, I don’t think they will occur without some personal drama, the anguish of uncertainty, or the necessary grief of loss.

I hope that I can remember to take one deep breath when things begin to descend, and flick my inner gaze toward those steady-burning pilot flames. I hope I can remember that no flame like that is ever quenched, and that all experiences and all spectrums of emotion can simply be a fuel that helps the flame burn brighter and brighter, blazing toward the heavens whence it came.

An Imagination of Light | Catherine Viel An Imagination of Light | Catherine Viel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/14/2022 09:53:00 PM Rating: 5

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