Your Superconscious You Is the Real You
Beloveds, you are complex vibration within the Quantum Field. We have said that your Superconscious you is the real you. It is this consciousness that moves from body to body to body, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. This Superconscious you is part of this field. Your human body and your physical experience is very real to you in your humanness. But we are introducing the understanding of the beyond. We are not saying that this physical reality is not real. We are saying it is something that has been created and maintained by the Field, by Spirit. And you, your Superconscious you, is part of Spirit, part of this field of pure potential.
And that is why we have said in the past that your every thought, your every feeling, your every action are vibrations. And each vibration vibrates into the field and responds to your vibration as it also responds to the vibration of all other beings. And so together you are creating reality moment by moment, and the process of Becoming Superconscious is designed to assist you in understanding this process of creation from the Quantum Field. Why? Because in the Quantum Field, it is not about doing. It is not about working hard in order to buy this or that or the other. It is about relaxing into the energy. It is about focusing your intention. Focusing your energies, uplifting the frequency of your energy body so that the vibrations that radiate from you are a higher vibration, a more creative force that you can direct with your intention more accurately as you raise your vibration.
- Alcazar
Becoming Superconscious, Day 94 - 2021
Your Superconscious you is the Real you | Alcazar Quotes
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/28/2022 11:02:00 PM