You Have a Destiny | Heavenletters
JAN 5 2022
(Rainbow Wave of Light)
God said:
What an occasion it is when We meet in your awareness. Imagine it. You suddenly see Who the One Who accompanies you is. You have seen shadows following you, and now you see the Sunshine of Love Who never leaves your side, Who never leaves your Inner Being. It is impossible for you to be without Me. With a trick of your mind, you have seen Me not.
With a trick of your mind, you have not felt the touch of My hand. You also may not have heard Me. The only way you would have not heard Me is if you close your ears. You are so stubborn in your waywardness. I call waywardness that which you may call independence.
Why on Earth would you want to presume that you have no need of a Friend like Me? Which is more laborsome? That you have closed your ears or you have pronounced Me non-existent? In any case, they are the same. Why would anyone want to live life without Me? What advantage is there? Why tie your hands in the name of independence or might? With Me along, you have greater independence from reliance on the world. With Me, you have more resources. Call it independent of you to rely on God.
You may say I am not reliable anyway. You may say I have committed sins against humanity. I do not. I would not. I will not. I do not have such a decision to make. I set the world in good order, and I gave you the right to make decisions. The world is not independent of you, beloveds. The world has to rely on you.
I am your Self-Reliance. Visit with Me every now and again. Soon you will stay with Me, and the gates to your heart will open extraordinarily. I ask you to love Me for your sake. That I love you is a given. My love is greater than the tide of the ocean. My love cannot be augmented. Your love, however, is just beginning to peek over the horizon.
Put your love together with Mine, and that is how to tango. The love from your heart and the love from Mine are such a combo. Oh, yes, this is the Music of the Spheres. This is the dance of Paradise. This is the pulse of Heaven. This is your destiny that We walk together arm in arm, heart in heart, love in love.
Tell Me, do you have a better destiny in mind? I am stumped. What could be better than the two of Us as One? What are you dreaming of? Let what is first come first.
You have been dependent upon something. What? A raise? An invitation to a ball? You have an ongoing invitation to be with Me. It is a silent invitation. It does not come with fanfare. It is a Come-As-You-Are invitation. It is not a white tie affair. It is a meeting of hearts. Once you accept My invitation, you will know what it is to let go of tension. You will know what it is to breathe. You will know what it feels like to be Home, to be welcomed Home, to walk in and know where you are and have always been. You are no stranger to Me, beloveds. Let Me not be a stranger to you. Come, let Us know each other. Come, let Us be Friends. Come, let Us embrace the way long-lost cousins in the world embrace, only far more. Let Us reunite in love of God and man and the world where your body temporarily resides. Come to Me now. Just come. I am here waiting for you.
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