Tuesday, January 4, 2022

What Miracles Would you Like? | Heavenletters #2817

What Miracles Would You Like? | Heavenletters

JAN 4 2022

(Rainbow Wave of Light)

God said:

I have a series of happy events ready to hand out to you. These what I will call events are just at the brim and will fall to you shortly. There is nothing you have to do to get ready but to get your hearts and eyes open. I am talking to everyone when I say this. I am not stockpiling all the treasures that are going to befall you. They are just about complete and ready to come off the production line. Spread your aprons wide so that you catch these delightful gifts from Heaven as they pour down upon you.

You are going to see miracles of diverse kinds and sizes. These miracles will burst through any boundaries that you have been holding on to. These miracles will burst through, and your heart will burst wide open. You will begin to really know what magnanimous love there is in your heart, and you will really begin to know what to do with it.

This is a great step for you, for you are on the brink of Greatness. This is what We have been waiting for. Your hearts are open enough now so that these blessings can fall into your aprons and your hearts.

There is not a thing on Earth that is not a miracle. Perhaps you have guessed that by now. The miracles that are fast on their way to you have the bling you have so desired to see. These are sparkling miracles. These are miracles that will make you laugh and smile and forget anything but the miracleness of life, and you will be glad. You will be so glad I can hardly wait.

You may be thrown off course, or you may find that you have been on the right course all along. Regardless, great possibilities are going to appear before you. You will have some choices to make, but you will like these choices. It will be like choosing between chocolate truffles and chocolate-covered cherries. What I mean to say is that it will be for you like choosing between two favorites. It will be like your having to choose between two pairs of new shoes — which exquisite pair will you wear?

It will be like choosing between two vacations spots, both of which you adore.

Or it may be a choice of choosing between two destinations, neither of which you have traveled before. What do you care anyway? You will simply have delightful choices to make, and you can’t go wrong.

What miracles do you want? What is so delicious and marvelous that you desire it mightily? What would make you very very happy? Feel these great joys rushing to you. There will be much more. Nevertheless, think of the ones your limited imagination can think of now. This will be a good use of your time.

O beloveds, get your hearts stirring with the joy that is going to be added unto you!

Certainly, keep guessing what I could be talking about. What real live miracles would you like to see? Imagine and imagine, and your guesses will not even approach the dimension of the blessings I am going to pour down upon you. What can these blessings be? And how can they be?

They can be like a welcome rainfall in a desert where you have your hands cupped to catch the rain and drink and drink.

These miracles can be because the world is opening up like a flower, opening and opening to such a fullness that all the sunshine can come in and reach everywhere, reach to where sunshine has never reached before. Who will not be happy to see such happiness?

The time is coming when nothing can make you unhappy, when everything can only make you happy. How do you feel about this?

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/what-miracles-would-you-like.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.