By Steve Beckow, January 18, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
We’re commonly called to seek the Truth within or that God lives in the heart, etc.
Consequently, we’re urged to journey within.
Having seen the Self in the “seat of the soul,” the deepest part of the heart, (1) I know that “God lives within” and that “God lives in the heart,” in the sense that the soul, Self, Christ, or Atman “lives” in the heart.
So what does it mean to journey within?
Well, it can mean a thousand things. Some people will focus on the heart in meditation.
Others will do as I did, imaginatively enter the heart and journey into it.
Others will chant and aim their vibrations at the heart. All will depend on your spiritual practice or sadhana, your conception of God, the “sensory door” you prefer (sights, sounds, tastes, touch, etc.), and so on.
Here’s what I’d like to point out.
You’ve been watching the editors here journey down into the Self. When we use our awareness to eliminate a vasana or core issue, or raise to awareness a new and freeing noticing, we fall into a deeper and deeper level of consciousness.
The destination of this is who we are. The destination is the deepest levels of the Self, uncovered through transparent communication.
Jesus said, the truth shall make you free. We’ve been discovering the truth of our core issues – and you’ve watched us do it, day after day. We’ve reported on the process, on the discoveries, on the release, etc.
And we’ve continued to push our edge, to take our awareness further. Yes, there’s a lot we don’t talk about. I never talk about … well, things I never talk about.
Personal things and things that would affect others. I’m censoring myself and I’m at choice with it. Those withholds have not proven to be impediments.
Otherwise, I can report that, apropos of what Jesus said, I feel freer and freer as each year goes by because I’m peeling away one layer of the onion after another through self-awareness and transparent communication. I’m dropping the links in the chain I forged year after year.
Then I was building my chain; now I’m eliminating it.
So, again, my point is that this is what the process of journeying within can look like. Not like it’s my particular snapshot in the photo album. It’s meant more as an example of one person journeying within by seeking the truth perpetually.
All of us need to become what Suzanne Spooner once called the “gatekeeper of truth.” (2) Even that alone would bring the results we desire, I believe.
But I could also say that all of us need to become beacons of love. Or any other divine quality. All of them, if we keep pushing our edge, will bring us home – I believe! (3)
(1) At Xenia Retreat Center, Sept. 18, 2018. I saw the Self objectively; I experienced purity and innocence subjectively. I did not realize myself as the Self.
I say “deepest part” because when I imaginatively journeyed into the heart, I reached a cul de sac and could go no further. To the left of that heart wall was the Self on a ledge. It wasn’t an altar; it was simply a ledge.
My view of it was truncated, as the Divine Mother explained:
Steve: The experience at Xenia, Mother, was that truncated?
Divine Mother: Slightly, yes.
Steve: I had the thought [it was]. … The Light I saw should have been brighter than a thousand suns. The fact that it wasn’t suggests to me that the experience was truncated. …
DM: It was not is brilliant as possible, let us put it that way.
Steve: Alright… And again, the reason is to keep me in sync with my readers?
DM: To keep you in sync with your readers. But let me be very clear…. If you had seen the light as it actually is – yes, a million, billion suns – you would have simply departed. …
We don’t mean die but you would have departed the life that you have designed – yes, with us – for yourself, for the service you are providing – you would have departed and simply said, ‘I do not need to do this. I will just simply sit in the bliss of love and good luck, everybody!’” (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.) She’s right.
(2) Divine Love through Suzanne Spooner to Steve Beckow, June 3, 2011.
(3) Only my belief.
I’m not an enlightened person – this lifetime – and hence not a spiritual teacher, even if I wanted to be (I’d rather be a writer). To be a spiritual teacher, in my books, would mean having experienced at least Brahmajnana, God-Realization or seventh-chakra enlightenment. I’ve had a truncated experience of it, which I’ve narrated in these pages, but I don’t regard that as qualifying me for anything – except waiting tables at the banquet of Ascension.