By Steve Beckow, January 22, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
What an assignment we’ve been given.
Lightworkers are all angels, as you know. As Gabreille told us:
“You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (1)
Or the Divine Mother:
“That is how I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic, so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form, experiencing and expressing love.” (2)
Angelics, Archangel Michael calls us. (3) Well, here we are, remembering, just as the Mother asked of us.
Archangel Michael once explained why the Seraphim were involved in this Ascension and his answer is instructive:
Archangel Michael: The seraphim have never been involved before.
Steve Beckow: What has changed?
AAM: The Mother’s desire to have completion of this Ascension process. (4)
You wouldn’t call Atlantis a “completed” Ascension process. That whole continent went under the waves, much as North America or Europe might have if the recalcitrants had had their way.
If the galactics and celestials had not prevented the explosion of nuclear weapons in space, this planet would have been blown up by now in the World War III that the deep state envisioned at one stage in its planning. That was not in the Divine Plan.
The deep state does not want there to be Ascension, which would involve a breaking away from their Satanic practices.
At various times, they’ve wanted to depopulate the planet and enslave the rest of the population. They’ve been behind every war since … shall I go on?
So we agree that if ever we should have a grudge against anyone, it’d be against this lot.
Assignment seems pretty clear so far: Hang ’em high!
But lightworkers are warriors of peace. We’re members of the blue legion of Michael mostly, but of Jophiel, Raphael and every other of the 144 archangels as well, I assume. (5)
We’re not in the business of tearing people limb from limb or building mountains of skulls.
We’re trying to get away from all that, which has been an all-too-common feature of human history.
But as with every effort at truth and reconciliation, someone needs to go first in forgiving the debt and any other perceived obligations.
If no one goes first, warfare becomes perpetual. Even more perpetual than it already is, that is.
To paraphrase Michael: Who will go first? Well, it’s the lightworkers.
“Now, who, upon this wondrous planet, has been hiding in the shadows or edging out, or in the limelight and is ready? … Who has been diligent and practiced patience and fortitude and stamina, and anchored the divine qualities? Who is it that is prepared to do this? Well, it is the lightworkers.” (6)
It’s lightworkers who are taking down the cabal. It’s lightworkers who will decide their fate. (7) It’s we who will set the tenor of events going into the New Age. It’s we who know the impact of the collective consciousness on our future.
It’s up to us to say “no” to mass executions. Let justice prevail. Justice is not red in tooth and claw. The old order we’re leaving behind was. It will never come with us.
Beyond everything else, for me, justice means fairness. Execution is the abandoning of every standard of fairness in favor of revenge. And the cycle goes on as a result of it.
Archangel Michael advised us:
Archangel Michael: Be very discerning in your judgments and in your condemnations of others. If you continue – and I don’t mean you; I mean the collective – if the pattern of imprisonment continues, of shackling, rather than re-education or redirection, then that is the paradigm that will continue upon this planet. (8)
Do you really want partisan politics to continue into the New Age? Do you want the existence of financial inequality to go on? If you don’t, then you also may not want the results of mass executions.
Why am I drawing attention to it? Because executions are being reported. Lists of politicians, corporate leaders, celebrities, and so on who have been executed are circulating. I sincerely hope they’re untrue.
Now is the time to formulate the alternative. It’s easier to win consent before policies are put in place than after. After we’re all tired and just want to leave it alone. Complacency sets in.
Matthew Ward’s advice to us is similar to Michael’s:
“Love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.” (9) [My emphasis.]
I know he’s right. Higher-dimensional love will be shown to be the answer to everything the mind can dream up.
To take a stand for love rather than vengeance may mean standing apart from the herd. But, in my view, it’s the way things need to go if this New Age is to be new and commendable.
(1) “Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/04/11/video-and-transcript-archangel-gabrielle-cooperation-comes-before-love/
(2) “The Mother’s Clarion Call to All of Humanity!” April 21, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=309417.
(3) “Angels” are an order of angelics. Angelics include all the orders of angels. Lightworkers are mostly angels, and a sprinkling of archangels and seraphim, as far as I know.
(4) “Archangel Michael: We are All Aligned with the Heart, Mind and Will of One,” channeled by Linda Dillon, January 23, 2014, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/01/archangel-michael-we-are-all-aligned-with-the-heart-mind-and-will-of-one/.
(5) See “How Many Archangels Are There? – Part 1/2,” January 20, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=331263 and “How Many Archangels Are There? – Part 2/2,” January 20, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=331267
(6) “Transcript: Archangel Michael – On Mastery and Leadership, April 16, 2015,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/04/25/transcript-archangel-michael-on-mastery-and-leadership-april-16-2015/.
(7) I’m under the impression that the judiciary that sits on these cases will be uncorrupted.
(8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2019.
(9) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 9, 2011, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/september-9-2011/.
What an Assignment! | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/22/2022 08:41:00 PM