(Golden Age of Gaia)
We are in a stage of intensely powerful transition, from the Old Earth into the New, and thus into 5th to 7th dimensional state.
All is in a state of forming, and thus a dissolving of the old state (the 3D and Old Earth) into the New. Thus we literally are dissolving on multiple levels, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and in all 12 bodies, and with this more chakras are opening, as we will eventually grow into the full use of our 300 chakras again, as we are ready and able to do so.
With this the 33 degrees of the Spine, and the Kundalini is getting fully activated, as the highest frequencies sacred tones, and sacred geometries, etc. are pouring into every single vertebrae and literally shaking all awake, which has lain dormant since the Fall of Atlantis.
Add to this, the Lightning Rod and Axis Mundi, where the Spine energies combine with the Heart Energies, to bring an immensely powerful synchronization, between our spinal energies, our chakras and especially our heart and soul centers.
We are in for an immensely powerful year of transition, as the beautiful balancing act of creation comes to the fore.
The truth will be revealed and with it so much will be churned up, which has been hidden for so long, as the darkness surfaces to be balanced out the Light.
The whole Omniverse is always in total balance. Light and Dark balance each other out, to create harmony and thus the perfection of Creation, just like Yin and Yang. The Omniverse is always in balance, harmony and perfect synchronicity. There is not one jarring note to be found, for all is one symphony of vast expansive energy whole.
You will find at times it will be like you are witnessing an unfolding of the New Earth and New Golden Age, in immensely powerful ways, within you. With it the witnessing of totally disintegration of the Old Order, the old Earth and all which was once created upon her.
We need to learn to go with the flow and not try to go against the tidal waves of changes pouring in. Be like water – become ONE with its flow.
There is whole ocean within one single drop of water, and at the moment you are that drop within the Cosmic oceans.
More than this, you will find that Earth changes will escalate, as more extreme weather patterns emerge, more volcanoes erupt, earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, drought, extreme heat waves.
Love in truth is the absence of fear.
Stay in the highest state of Love and indeed Omnipresence within, and thus do not allow anyone or anything to disturb your own inner equilibrium. You are in the stage of supreme initiation into the higher dimensional state, and indeed into the degrees of highest soul mastery.
Thus let nothing perturb you.
Let nothing affright you.
Stay centered fully in the heart center and soul.
Do not attach to anything or anyone.
This is your soul contract which you are now fulfilling because you before you incarnated you knew this would happen and signed up to be here at this momentous time.
This is time when the true masters will step the fore, and the true leaders.
Remember this!
Judith Kusel
We are Witnessing an Unfolding | Judit Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/21/2022 10:10:00 PM