By Catherine Viel, January 21, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
January 20, 2022
Deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet—
One perfect rose…
Why is it no one ever sent me yet
One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
Ah no, it’s always just my luck to get
One perfect rose.
~Dorothy Parker, One Perfect Rose

I sat quietly for a while this morning, mentally putting good energy around family members, both human and feline. As an afterthought, I put it around myself as well.
Good thing this wasn’t one of those airplane-going-down drills. I would’ve flunked, putting my oxygen mask on last.

I’m not sure why it rarely occurs to me to do more than minimal self-care. I suspect I’m succumbing to the programming many of us receive. You would think by now I would’ve cottoned on to this insidious inner whisper that’s constantly saying things like, you’d better take care of X, Y, and Z, even if you’re longing for a little rest.
All those other things need to be done! You can rest…later. You can exercise…later.
I’m unwillingly tuned in to an underlying sibilant monologue that repeats just one message: everything else, literally everything else, is more important than you are. I’m not sure that all the affirmations in the world could obliterate that quietly penetrating voice.

So, what would “taking care of myself” look like?
Ruminating upon this earlier, I got an image of a vast carpet of roses. Red roses, pink roses, creamy white. No thorns! Just the beautiful cut flower heads.
Come this way, a sweet voice murmured. Come this way, feel the petals with your bare feet. Breathe deeply of this heady fragrance. Don’t worry, the roses won’t be crushed. They support you, you created them and they are here for you.
I rather timidly asked my body for assistance. Would you please help me feel joy?
We are always in joy, was the answer. This makes me smile, now. I don’t understand it, but somehow, I know this is so.
How lovely are the images and messages that are available after just one knock on the door that opens to Spirit.

The only difficulty I perceive with receiving these messages and images is their static nature. The carpet of roses is always there for me to walk metaphorically through. That’s nice, but what good does it do me?
And the body that abides in a state of joy apparently doesn’t feel the constraints or discomfort of itself the same way I do, or I don’t believe it could call itself joyful.
Is my task, then, to emulate the matter-of-fact wisdom of body? To know joy and to be joy despite what I perceive as negative and uncomfortable sensations?
Perhaps the body does notice these discomforts, and instead of pushing them away, embraces them. Treats the parts of itself that don’t appear to work very well as kindly as it would an awkward, stumbling child.
There, there. Let me help you up. I’ll hold your hand and we’ll walk together, shall we?
And look over here! Here are beautiful roses spread out just for us. Can you feel the petals under our feet? Just look at how easy it is to run and dance within this meadow of joy.

I dearly love spending time with these fantasies, the beautiful roses, the body helping itself and never rejecting any part of itself because it “doesn’t work right.“
It’s easy to believe that all is well and there’s never anything other than perfect, when I’m sitting motionless in a chair. When I stand up and move, can I remember to love something that might hurt?
Once again, I ask my body for help. Remind me, I say. Remind me to listen to you and not allow that powerful programming of negativity to swamp your voice.
Spirit answers with a crackle and pop through the ceiling. And I know it won’t be just my body helping me. It can come from any aspects of the All That Is which I’m open to receive from.

I’m quite sure that the world, the Universe itself, is easing my way in this effort. Because I’m quite sure that the rising vibrations and the awakening we’re experiencing are real. They are accelerating. They cannot be stopped.
I visualize a glorious, mysterious coach speeding down the highway of the Universe, with room for all who are ready to take off. Inimical forces that have been hauling on the coach from behind, heels dug in, trying to prevent its free flight, are dropping off and falling by the wayside. (1)
Perhaps some will feel pity and compassion for those beings or entities. Even I might feel pity and compassion at some point.
But in this new spirit of self-care, I’m not going to trouble myself with them right now. I’m going to allow the inward focus that I know will at some point enable outward expansion.
The next time my mind says, “X, Y, and Z are more important than what your heart wants to do,” I’ll politely ignore it, and waltz off humming “Roses from the South” by Johann Strauss, Jr. I’ll do what feels right for me, which, ultimately, adds to the Light for all of us.
Let the chips of the world fall where they may. This sovereign light being is going to sing softly, and waltz to her heart’s content.

(1) For example, England just ended its mask mandate and many other “Covid response“ measures. They do appear to be strongly promoting the vaccines and are still mandating that healthcare workers receive them, but nonetheless I see this as an enormous crack in the seemingly impenetrable wall that has surrounded human freedom, especially during the last two years.
For additional perspective and information, see also:
~Tarot by Janine, 1/20/22, “Global Narrative Unravelling, UK Takes the Lead, What will we see next, is the DS agenda crumbling?” https://tinyurl.com/5n77nvt2
~Jean-Claude Beyond Mystic livestream with Tarot by Janine, 1/19/22, https://tinyurl.com/yckzf4bc
~Catherine Edwards and Tarot by Janine, 1/19/22, https://tinyurl.com/2hxrnysd
Walking on Roses | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/21/2022 10:14:00 PM