By Catherine Viel, January 3, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
January 2, 2022
A wanderer is man from his birth.
He was born in a ship
On the breast of the river of Time;
Brimming with wonder and joy
He spreads out his arms to the light…
As what he sees is, so have his thoughts been.
~Matthew Arnold, The Future
I feel like I’m in a breather between worlds. The door is shutting upon the limitations and restrictions of the past, and the new door is creaking open. So slowly it’s almost imperceptible, but if you keep your eye on it, you can see the light brightening as the door widens with infinite, incremental deliberation.
That future door widens, the light brightens. What do I see?
Well-being is always first to mind. Then, abundant resources for all—financial and otherwise. Free time, and freedom itself, for without those, financial resources seem of little use.
I see myself healthy, wealthy, and wise, to quote Mr. Franklin. Here I am at the starting gate. What do I do with my health and wealth and wisdom? My freedom, and my newly freed time?
I’m still standing here, waiting for the starting pistol. The future is a blank. Everything I’ve thought or imagined I might want to do with freedom and health and wisdom seems irrelevant. This might be because the structures within which I had imagined offering assistance to others are simply not going to be around.
I’ve wanted to be a hospital volunteer for a long time. A family tradition. Bring the Reiki energy of Love and Light into those sterile, unwelcoming buildings. A few crystals for beauty and high vibration. The Emotion Code to help clear out stale, unhelpful trapped emotions.
Teach a class at Adult Ed. Something with writing, something with spirituality. Shepherd a class through the entire Artist’s Way twelve-week program.
I’m getting a big fat nothing on those scenarios, as well as others I’ve considered over the years. It’s like trying to build a useful, fulfilling life upon a foundation of sand.
If healthcare is going to be completely revamped, hospitals as we know them will cease to exist. Multifaceted, five-dimensional healing centers are apparently the new building blocks, the wellness model that replaces the current modality that seems designed to treat, but not cure, our ills. Well-compensated professionals will likely be in charge of all aspects of care for the ill or injured. And when the med beds come in, the process of healing will surely take hours, not weeks or months.
Education? Another blank slate. If our capabilities expand into the galactic realm, what possible need will there be for chalkboards and books or their newer electronic equivalents?
I haven’t truly thought beyond moment-to-moment survival in quite a long time. Even though my life is comfortable by most standards, I still perceive that I lack freedom of movement in multiple ways. So it has felt pointless to pick my way ahead into that glimmering future, a cat walking delicately atop snow.
A feeling of loss, a profound melancholy creep in. I’m not sure how to navigate this future that seems as blurry as uncorrected vision. Guidelines and guides abound, but the one thing I am certain of is that guidance will come from within, not without.
I reel my mind, my imagination, back in to the here and now. I think there may be a handful of humans on this world who know how things are going to shake out in the next weeks and months. I am not one of them.
It seems counterintuitive to plan for a possible future by dismissing it and focusing only on the here and now. But that is where I have landed. I can’t know what will be. What I do know is this breath, this glimpse of blue sky and greenery out the window, the breeze that ruffles the budding flowers.
I do know the heart that knows all, if only I will soothe the future worry long enough to settle in to the never-worried now. Simpler said than done.
A bird that is thinking of nothing but picking seeds from the grass hops by. I will join it, press my hand to the blades of grass, and remember my connection with Gaia, my connection with All, because I believe that is the only future that really matters. And it is already here in my now.
A little future thought meanders in. If my local hospital is transformed into a next-generation healing center, I’ll bet they could still use a few candy stripers. By most accounts, the shift into 5D is not going to be anything like instantaneous. We can all help midwife that transition through time.