Saturday, January 22, 2022

Kryon Discusses the Silver Cord | Kryon via Lee Carroll

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by Lee Carroll, January 21, 2022, via email

Kryon answers your questions…

Dear Kryon: I read a book some 30 years ago that when the body dies, the silver cord is severed. If the body is cremated before the silver cord is severed, the spiritual body suffers pain. What is the truth in the current energy? Do we still need some days to allow the silver cord to sever?

Dear one, the “silver cord” is a metaphor of the multidimensional connection of Human and Higher-Self. In the new energy, it is now PART of the Human, and the connection is no longer what it used to be.

Think of it like this. In the older energy, in order to take your power you might have needed an extension cord to connect you to the power socket of God.

Now, in the new energy, you ARE the power source. Therefore the entire silver cord metaphor has graduated into something far grander that is filled with promise.

And, by the way, there never was a “severing process.” When you pass on you have a reunification process. The body is just a carcass… nothing more. Your essence is reconnected to the Cosmic Lattice of God, and is again whole.

Believe me, you don’t miss the Human body, and don’t ever even think about it. It passes from your being just as the birth sac ~ your home for nine months ~ passes from your consciousness after you are born. It’s no more important.

~ Kryon of Magnetic Service