By Steve Beckow, January 24, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Now I actually want to say something about the whole matter of needing to feel special, if you’d allow me. (See 1.)
In our everyday lives we seldom make contact with the divine states like love, bliss, peace, etc.
When I grew up, the best our lives got were cheerful, grateful, proud, etc. I hate to say it. But in the Fifties we were repressed.
There’s nothing wrong with any feeling as a feeling. It’s what we do with it that seems to create a problem. Take pride for instance.
We appear to be coming to accept that we’re multidimensional beings. And in fact seeing things from that perspective helps to clarify some matters, like this one.
I can now suggest that we have a multitude of (multidimensional) systems running at any one moment. Every body back to God is running – simultaneous with … uhhh … “me.” Just like the many channels on TV.
We have 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D channels right now that are offered to us. Apparently more to be added later.
If you want to use pride for devious purposes, you’ll want to tune into Channel 3D. To feel innocent pride in oneself is actually featured on channels 5D and beyond.
The ego? You’ll find it as well on Channel 3D. … Isn’t it the producer of the show?
Even if it is, it’s just one channel competing for viewership. The ego has its own story. It’s worried about dying. It’s worried about not having food next week. It’s afraid of this, that, and the other. Etc. We think we’re this body and as long as we do, we’re concerned for its survival. (2) As long as we are, we hearken to the voice of the ego.
It’s an influential channel and we listen to it, “we’ being the witness, the eternal observer, at whatever level of Reality you locate That.
Traveling up Jacob’s Ladder of Consciousness, we pass through refinement after refinement in our bodies. Each body allows us access to a certain, more refined dimensional space.
Operating if we do in the world of the ego, we don and doff one mask after another. Now we’re being a spiritually-mature adult. Now we’re hacking and burping in the privacy of our apartment.
Now we’re dragging ourself down the street. A good-looking woman walks by and now we’re walking tall, like the sexiest man alive.
All the time we think that no one sees us as we build and reaffirm our constructed self-image day after day. On and on the carousel goes, with no salvation. Until it stops.
I’m just starting to feel proud of myself.
I’m enjoying experiencing it. It’s akin to love. It’s like an open door through which love can go from the heart throughout my field of awareness. Self-love and pride seem like cousins.
When pride gets shanghaied by the ego and bent to the service of the small self, to the exclusion and sometimes detriment of others, we’ve taken a wrong fork in the road, in my estimation.
Time to go back to the last integral spot and start again, down the other fork.
Usually matters are complicated by the fact that those who are bent to the service of the small self to the exclusion of the service of others are often also passionate. That means they travel out to the emotional extremes, away from the center. Out there, anything goes, emotionally. I grew up in that space.
Having that be part of your reality greatly complicates things. Only a sociologist would find that territory interesting or inviting.
When pride gets shanghaied by the ego, we can become a perpetual resumé, a walking Linked-In bio – we are what we’ve done, who we know, how much money we have.
That’s one thing we’re seeing around us. So many people seem to be looking for the big score. When we lift the curtain and look into the dark world, how far people are prepared to go to get what they want becomes more and more violent. There pride is just another tool for the exploitation of others.
I’m OK with pride among innocents, like children. Being around them is healing in this area.
I’m enjoying it’s first touches myself. Not letting it run away with me. Staying in the center with it and just breathing into it and enjoying it. It’s definitely a long-lost friend.
Pride taken to extremes, as with dictators, no. It all depends on integrity and proximity to the center.
(1) See “Why Do We … Uhhh, I … Seem to Need to Feel Special? January 23, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=331333
(2) Once you know you’re not your body, your fear of death drops away. An OOBE in 1977 eliminated my fear of death.
It all Depends on Integrity and Proximity to the Center | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/24/2022 09:35:00 PM