Deep Gratitude Can Change Your Reality
This vibration of deep gratitude can change your reality. You can connect to gratitude and it can change your energy from feeling down or depressed. And it can lift you up again. But it is more than that. We would suggest to you in times to come that the more you can maintain the higher vibration, the more you will ride over the difficulties that will be coming in your next year. When your energy starts to go down, already have something that you can remember and connect to that's associated with the deep feeling of gratitude. Then when something upsetting happens and you find your energy plummeting, you catch yourself.
You can connect to that deep gratitude and you stop that downward spiral. Find something now [that you feel grateful for]. Practice feeling deep gratitude. Whether it is just one thing that really touches you or many. This can be a benefit in a way that is difficult to explain because you are all unique and it will work with you in different ways. But basically it will give your energy a boost, and it will assist you in living at a higher vibrational level. And as you live at the higher vibrational level, you are more aware, therefore, you are more creative and life starts to flow in a more beautiful way.
- Alcazar
New Year's 2020, Mt Shasta - An Opportunity to Uplevel Your Life